Hearton Hotel Kyoto i Kyoto

JapanHearton Hotel Kyoto



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Japan, 〒604-0836 Kyoto, Nakagyo Ward, Funayachō, 405
kontakter telefon: +81 75-222-1300
internet side: www.hearton.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0116946, Longitude: 135.7609035

kommentar 5

  • SL Y

    SL Y


    Good price. Modern hotel. Popular with Americans. Location good. Close walk to everything. Budget type hotel. Room typical Japanese business room, small, nothing special. Washing machine available

  • Barry See

    Barry See


    A Cozy Oasis in a Quiet Corner of Kyoto Located in a peaceful area of Kyoto, Hearton Hotel Kyoto is a hidden gem that's worth discovering. While it's not in the heart of the city, the hotel's charm and amenities make up for its slightly off-the-beaten-path location. Pros: - Popular hotel with a loyal following - Tiny but logically designed rooms perfect for couples - Friendly reception staff - Access to two nearby public baths (onsen) with convenient ticket purchase and amenities provided Cons: - Not centrally located; requires a local subway ride and short walk with luggage (not ideal for heavy suitcases) - Rooms are small, but efficiently laid out Overall: I stayed here for two nights and enjoyed the hotel's cozy atmosphere and thoughtful touches. While it may not be ideal for those with heavy luggage or seeking a central location, Hearton Hotel Kyoto is a great choice for couples and travelers looking for a peaceful retreat in Kyoto.

  • DJE



    Reviews I read about the Hearton had been mixed, so I decided to stay here for one night during my 2 weeks in Kyoto. Budget price, but the room was very comfortable and looked like it was recently renovated. Downsides were that if you had a noisy neigbour you could hear them through the wall. I could not open the window - but the woman at reception told me when I checked out that if I stayed again I could ask them and they could unlock the window. Would I stay here again? Maybe - the potential noise concern might stop me... But most people travelling are not noisy.

  • Mauricio Takeishi Sato

    Mauricio Takeishi Sato


    The location is incredible! The streets around are narrow and little to no traffic, also have a lot of pubs and restaurants nearby. If you come by car it's a good idea just leave your car at the hotel and walk around on foot. The room is clean, good amenities, the staff speaks english and is very thoughtful.

  • Ali Mo

    Ali Mo


    Room size was pretty standard Japanese room. Bed was big enough for my husband and I (my husband is 200+ and 5'11). Service was good, they delivered extra pillows to our room free of charge. They have amenities like tooth brushes, shampoo, coffee, razors. Overall, I really liked the location as it had many restaurants within walking distance and the subway is literally right there. Would stay here again!

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