Hotel Granvia Hiroshima w Hiroshima

JaponiaHotel Granvia Hiroshima


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1-5 Matsubarachō, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0822, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 82-262-1111
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.3991328, Longitude: 132.4754674

komentarze 5

  • Squigly Digly

    Squigly Digly


    Great location adjacent to Hiroshima Station - shinkansen, train, streetcar, loop bus, airport limousine bus, taxi... It's all right there next to the hotel. Also, there is lots to do, eat, shop, and find at the station. The hotel has a grand lobby. The rooms are spacious (I stayed in a 2-bed, 18th flr, non- smoking room). I just wish they had more drawers as the three that were available had the safe, their service book and other reading material, and their beverage service items. All the hotel staff are very friendly, and willing and ready to assist. I would like to give special recognition to Concierge Yumi, who went above and beyond in assisting us with planning our side trips to Saijo and Itsukushima (Miyajima) and the Peace Park Memorial Museum. She provided us with transportation information for each of our excursions and helped us make ferry reservations when I couldn't do it online. She even translated a flyer for a Saijo event that was entirely in Japanese and contacted the tourist information center to let them know we were coming! It's employees like Yumi who make staying in places like this special.

  • Mejlina Tjoa

    Mejlina Tjoa


    Very convenient, 3 minutes walk to Hiroshima train station and plenty of restaurants and shops nearby. Room is clean and staff is very helpful, speaks some English. Only thing is there is no coin laundry machine in the hotel, they do offer laundry service is prohibitively expensive. You can walk 10 min to a laundry coin service though.

  • Robert Halverson

    Robert Halverson


    My wife and I stayed here in April, 2024. We had last stayed at this hotel in 2016 but it has sadly gone downhill in quality since. We won't be returning. The best thing this hotel has going is it is located right beside the Hiroshima JR station and a major tram terminal. When we checked in they wanted an imprint of my credit card and a signature, even though 1. I had prepaid for the room and 2. they have no pay items in the room (like a mini bar). That made me wonder if I was going to be double charged. Our room was small, with not even enough room for two 22-inch luggage bags and two medium size backpacks. If you travel with much larger luggage, then you will be in real trouble. The room did have good lighting, lots of electrical plugs, good air conditioning, and a safe. The bathroom was small and had very limited shelf space. The shower only has a half door, so it's easy to get water sprayed into the room, when you are in the shower. The bathroom also did not have a vent, so we had to open the door but the rest of our room got humid from it. Items in our sleeping area got damp from this spike in humidity. There are two separate dining rooms for breakfast. One for traditional Japanese food and the other for mostly Western food. We ate in the Western one. It cost 3,500 Yen each (about $22 USD). The food was good but not great for that high price (for Japan). The restaurant uses a robot waitress.

  • Nazareth Vasquez

    Nazareth Vasquez


    Great location. Just a few steps away from the Hiroshima station. The rooms are quite big considering the fact that hotel rooms in Japan are very small. The bathroom had a great size and the amenities were good too.

  • David Luksch

    David Luksch


    Very 5* look and feel from the moment you step into the atrium and this feeling holds during the whole stay. Staff speaks English well, so check-in process went smoothly and check-out was even easier since you can just put the room card into the check-out machine. I booked a smoking room by mistake and there was no non-smoking room available for the two nights I was stying there, but the staff cleaned the room so well, I didn't notice any smell. Speaking of the room, it it's clean, relatively spacious and has an actual storage space for clothes. Bathroom was also perfect lying clean with bathtub large enough for me to have comfortable bath. There are multiple restaurants with two of them also serving breakfast. Dish Parade is a buffet-style with an incredible range of options to choose from and they list the allergens by most of the meals, so it will be great for people with dietary restrictions. I went to there both mornings and never experienced any wait time. And lastly about the location - the seconds floor is directly connected to Hiroshima station, so you literally cannot be closer to the station.

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