Ōtaatami Hospital i Koriyama

JapanŌtaatami Hospital



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5-chōme-240 Atamimachi Atami, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-1309, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 24-984-0088
internet side: www.ohta-hp.or.jp
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Latitude: 37.4861835, Longitude: 140.2635422

kommentar 5

  • 雲


    I went for a complete medical checkup. It was a few years ago, so I don't know how it is now, but the mammogram was humiliating. I was surprised to find out that a young man was in charge, and I really hated it. Even though it was a medical procedure, a young man looked at my breasts, grabbed me tightly, lifted me up, pulled me, and held me down...I felt extremely embarrassed and humiliated. I think there are many people who find it extremely unpleasant and put up with it when men who are not even doctors look at, touch, or pull on a woman's delicate parts. This is a mammogram test specific to women, so men should avoid it. Moreover, my breath had a strong odor, probably due to the buildup of plaque on my teeth. I couldn't help but hate it.

  • mizore #

    mizore #


    I am visiting a dermatologist. I had heard that he had the impression that he was a bit tough, but that was not the case at all. I'm thankful that I have a female doctor so I don't have much resistance to showing my skin. Since he has a casual tone, it may seem harsh to those who have only received soft responses. Regarding the amount of medicine, they were able to respond flexibly to the situation, such as adding a little more medicine for this part of the treatment, or a little less of the medicine that was left over from the previous one. We were also given a longer batch to avoid the busy year-end and New Year holidays. I am grateful that I am at a hospital that provides treatment that suits me.

  • 神保マオ



    My beloved grandmother was admitted to the hospital. She was told that she didn't have much time left to live, so I went to see her frequently, but the nurses in the ward asked me not to come visit her often. It wasn't the time of the coronavirus, and I wasn't making any noise in the hospital room, I was just sitting next to my grandmother, chatting with her and holding her hand... He said it in a way that sounded like it would be a hindrance to his work, so I was worried about that as well, so I refrained from going to see him. Then my grandmother lost consciousness, and when I went to see her, I found restraints attached to both of her unconscious arms. Tears did not stop. It might get in the way of my work, but no matter what they say, I should have gone to see him... I'm really, really full of regrets and regrets. Even now, every time I think about it, I feel so frustrated that I feel like throwing up, and my eyes overflow with tears. This is a hospital I never want to go to again in my life. Honestly, just driving by my neighborhood is so painful that I feel like my heart is being crushed... I was filled with fear of losing my beloved grandmother, and the heartless words from the nurse still left deep scars in my heart. I just hope that no one else has to go through the same painful experiences as me... I don't really want to give any stars.

  • 太郎山田



    This is a hospital that refuses admission to first-time visitors. An old man and an old woman who know what they are doing I am working as a premise. When I went for a health check, I couldn't find the reception desk. I went to a place that looked like a general reception desk. Because it's not here I was told to go away. Why don't you know that? The way he said it made me really angry. The official receptionist is also very businesslike. I don't even smile. It's a pain but I feel like it can't be helped because it's work. Even government offices don't treat people like that anymore. After a while, I went back for a second checkup. After all, the response is extremely strange. I was called by a nurse and went to the examination room. I don't know why, but there was a nurse in front of me. stand up When I asked her what she asked, she asked me to give her a medical card. I'm not God, so what do you think? There's no way to know. There were two items to be re-examined. After completing the previous inspection, I will move on to the next one. Next ◯◯ teacher! That's it. Because I'm not a regular person or a god. ◯◯I don't know about the teacher. Always like this, like an old man or grandmother How to provide guidance assuming regular customers. No visitors allowed at the huge entrance. Put up a sign!

  • japan killtsu

    japan killtsu


    Used once every two years for a complete medical checkup. The smooth service and the quality of the food are great. The friendly doctors and nurses make me feel safe. I'm not a family doctor because it's far from my home, but I am a family health checkup.

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