桑野協立病院 小児科 i Koriyama

Japan桑野協立病院 小児科



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2-chōme-9-18 Shima, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8034, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 24-933-5422
internet side: www.koriyama-h-coop.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.3963576, Longitude: 140.3460592

kommentar 5

  • ちゃむ



    My child had a fever, and since it was a Saturday afternoon, there were only a few pediatric clinics available for him to see, so I went to see him for the first time. The doctor explained things well, and the receptionist and nurses were very nice. I'm glad I visited the doctor.

  • ブレア



    I wanted to take care of my daughter since she was a baby. I've been to many pediatricians, but this doctor really makes me feel at ease.

  • kidsプロ



    He's a wonderful teacher. Thank you for always taking care of me with moisturizer. In addition to colds, she also teaches me in detail about development and child-rearing, which is a great learning experience. She kindly taught me about necessary and unnecessary medicines, and the medicines that go into my child's body, which I learned a lot from. The examination is thorough and takes your time. The nurses around me are also very kind. At the end of each visit, the doctor always gives help to my child. Please give me lots of praise there. I received guidance from my teacher. I am always grateful for your help. Thank you for your continued support.

  • もっちゃん



    I've been to many pediatricians, and I think he's a doctor who takes each patient seriously. I was told that medicine cannot cure my condition, so I should increase my immunity, and I thought that the doctor here was different from other hospitals. I think he is a teacher I can trust.

  • 梨美



    Parents and children are always there to take care of each other. My child is suffering from atopic dermatitis and otitis media. "The mother is the one who knows the child's symptoms and severity best. It is the mother who provides the best treatment." That's what I'm always told. Therefore, I am treating the area by increasing or decreasing the amount of ointment used in the worst areas. We do our best to avoid doing things that children dislike unless it is necessary for treatment. I think the idea is to believe in your own strength and heal yourself. You can see the doctor right away, the nurses and receptionists are just as kind as the doctors, and the facilities are great: an isolation room, two toilets, and two DVDs (Tom and Jerry). Protopic ointment is recommended over steroids. He also recommends Mobicol as a regular medication for constipation rather than magnesium oxide.

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