Minamitohoku Daini Byoin i Koriyama

JapanMinamitohoku Daini Byoin



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6-chōme-95 Yatsuyamada, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 24-932-0503
internet side: shinsei.minamitohoku.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 37.4249509, Longitude: 140.382741

kommentar 5

  • 359Mate Check358

    359Mate Check358


    My mother was transferred from Tohoku and was hospitalized until she was transferred to a nursing home. I don't think I can say anything grand because I requested a transfer, but I felt that the skills of the employees were low. This nurse also basically left the patient alone. This was at a time when it wasn't related to the coronavirus, so I was accompanying her as much as possible on my days off. Even though the alarm was going off in the ward, the nurses were looking at their computers at the nursing station and didn't seem to care at all. This is a ward where there are no patients who can call the nurse on their own. There was a unique environment and atmosphere that was different from the main hospital. I don't mind treating them like things, but I feel they should do the bare minimum of work as front-line medical workers. I took this job of my own free will, so I just hope that I can put the nursing skills I learned to good use, rather than just being a visitor inside the hospital. Traditionally, workers from the Tohoku region provide thorough and compassionate care to their colleagues, but I just hope that they will provide medical skills to their colleagues. If there is an unavoidable intention, then it is completely out of the question. I felt that there was a terrifying reality in front of me. The same goes for the nurses at the main hospital, but I feel that this hospital has a very strong hatred towards patients. No one is asking you to become a nurse, so if you have a grudge against a patient, shouldn't you quit immediately? I feel that. I was admitted to the main hospital in Tohoku in 2022, but was treated as badly as I expected, and I have decided not to have anything to do with nursing staff in my personal life. A class that is out of the question for humans.

  • N M

    N M


    The appropriate response was good. However, I wish they would treat their patients with a little more respect. I don't want people to make medical mistakes. Why is it so late to contact the bereaved family? I wonder if this wouldn't have happened if I had dealt with the patient more properly. Lastly, I would like to meet the bereaved family. I want that feeling to reach the nurses, and I want them to connect with us in the future. If this was a premeditated crime, I would not recommend Tohoku Daini Hospital. What painkillers did you take at the end? Was it really a pain reliever?

  • にゃんにゃんころ



    Is it a hospital? I really doubt it My parents were in the hospital because they were too sick to call the nurse. I tried my best to call the nurse, but no one came, so I cried and complained, so when I went to visit her, I called the nurse center. . However, the nurse at that time and the next person took care of the situation, but they did not take over the situation after that.My parents tried their best to call me, so I told the nurse center, but after that my cell phone was turned off. I heard that it was taken away from me and I couldn't get in touch with him. Parents are seeking help due to neglect of duties. I will eradicate that help as if it is a hindrance. When you contact us, ``There are other patients who have priority, so please do not contact the nurse center. I can't handle it.'' and. I understand that the treatment situation differs depending on the patient, but how do you say that? Because of what I was told, it became difficult to contact my parents, and soon after that, my parents passed away. A few days before his death, my parents called me and I couldn't answer, so when I called them back, they hung up on me, and when I called the nursing center... “Is this about what you called earlier? ” They said. …Nursing center that manages patients' mobile phones A collaborative system that does not contact parents until they are about to die ...I absolutely cannot forgive this.

  • VR Galaxy

    VR Galaxy


    Matsumoto, the director of the second hospital, believes that in an era where side jobs are commonplace, everyone's morals are the same whether they are hostesses, saving people's lives, or working part-time at a convenience store. This is a hospital that speaks about the company's brand.

  • ねこちゃん



    I was annoyed by the attitude of the woman in red bean clothes at the nurse's station in the 7th ward. They may think that their patients and visitors are beneath them. His words and attitude are terrible. I can't believe that I'm doing work that is related to life. He is a person who gives the impression that he is likely to assault or use abusive language towards patients. Maybe it's because there are so many people like that, but this is a hospital that doesn't listen to good stories.

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