Tsuboi Hospital i Koriyama

JapanTsuboi Hospital


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Japan, 〒963-0105 Fukushima, Koriyama, Asakamachi Nagakubo, 1-chōme−10−13 一般財団法人 慈山会医学研究所付属 坪井病院
kontakter telefon: +81 24-946-0808
internet side: www.tsuboi-hp.or.jp
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Latitude: 37.362742, Longitude: 140.3613953

kommentar 5

  • シュガちゃん



    Nurse, The doctor who is there during the day is I think there are many good ones. When I went at night The doctor was the worst. The family who came because they were feeling well. Accusatory in a strong tone, I felt very bad.

  • ああや



    This is my first time being hospitalized here. All the doctors and nurses were very friendly and nice, but one nurse, Mr. H, was very unfriendly and didn't even smile at me. Since it's a holiday, they may be busy due to a lack of staff, but I wondered if they could communicate and reassure the patients. They have a very veteran feel to them, but I was really impressed by the nurses in their mid-20s talking to patients and communicating with them. I will give this evaluation because of one person.

  • K “Qoo” K

    K “Qoo” K


    I received a referral letter and visited this gynecologist for the first time. Dr. Hashimoto, who examined me, The explanations are thorough and easy to understand. Follows your anxious feelings I felt very at ease with the kind teacher. The nurses were also smiling and kind. Since I had made a reservation, the wait time was short. The receptionist was also very nice. This is a hospital that I would like to continue to care for in the future.

  • ふるりん



    Even though I went to the hospital with an emergency abdominal pain, the doctor in charge was not available that day, so I couldn't see him. They said. He even asked me to go to another hospital! What is the purpose of a hospital? If there is no doctor in charge, there is no point in having a hospital. It might be there on other days, but for patients, every moment matters. Isn't this how hospitals can no longer function? I will never go to this hospital again. ★I don't want to give you even one.





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