Osakaya Shop Osawano i Toyama

JapanOsakaya Shop Osawano



🕗 åbningstider

401 Takauchi, Toyama, 939-2254, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-467-0992
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.581421, Longitude: 137.205701

kommentar 5

  • 木挽隆之介



    It looks like sushi, but the rice is big and the toppings aren't good either. The firefly squid sashimi was delicious, but everything else was disappointing.

  • 98eliminator250v



    There are fewer products than other stores, but I like the atmosphere of the store itself.

  • 奥田孝司



    The inside of the store is bright and clean. The restrooms are clean too! There's enough food! I wish they had the original tamagoyaki side dish. Hurry up for help with the cash register!

  • 山下亮(peace10)



    In this region, it competes with Barrow and Alvis, so we will evaluate it in comparison with them. The parking lot is wide and easy to park. The prices are not much different, but the variety and price of side dishes are good. Other bakeries don't have the same selection of products, but there isn't much of a difference. As ancillary services, Rakuten users can collect and use Rakuten points, so this may be the only option for Rakuten users. Another difference from others is that there is no self-checkout. I hope it will be introduced soon.

  • うなとら



    The inside of the store is so narrow that it's so narrow that it's clogged by old people walking around, and unlike other Osaka-yas and Carrot 1, the store's selection is too small, and there's no affordable small-batch olive oil or EX. Ta. Carrot 1 has a better selection of products.

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