Gyomu Super Toyama Horikawa i Toyama

JapanGyomu Super Toyama Horikawa



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273-3 Horikawamachi, Toyama, 939-8072, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-423-2153
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.6640107, Longitude: 137.2197746

kommentar 5

  • ramol rock

    ramol rock


    Almost everything in this store is cheap and you can find almost anything, chicken related products both frozen and fresh, all sorts of pork products frozen and fresh, frozen veggies, all kinds of cooking oil, imported products, snacks, chocolates, grind meat and so on..

  • PS



    Likes: -like a mini Donki -prices for their house-brand items are definitely cheaper similar items at regular supermarkets -extensive variety of frozen foods available -variety of imported sauces available, like a mini Kaldi -Brazil Halal Meat available (frozen) -staff busy re-stocking shelves; good! -Sale Items really cheap eg ¥78 bottle 1L coffee -on your 1st visit, take note of items you like to buy; as shop space is small and aisle space tight, it is really a buy-and-run place, not for lingering Dislikes: -ample parking but lots are small, packed with cars on weekends -if your parking skills are not good, you will struggle as lots are small and tight

  • Nikita Bushmakin

    Nikita Bushmakin


    It's a supermarket mainly foreign people are visiting, because there are some unique products from Brazil, Vietnam, Korea and even famous Russian Borscht! Very good prices on chicken, sauces, sweets, chemical cleaning products. Quality is good, and I think everyone will find something to buy there from their own country and with a good price. Combine it with Costco and you will get your food bills lowered.

  • mariam karim

    mariam karim


    Lots of low price food items especially lots of halal food items.

  • thanhtike oo

    thanhtike oo


    Hard chicken and pork intestine, ear and tongue can be bought

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