Valor Ishisaka Store i Toyama

JapanValor Ishisaka Store



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588-1 Ishisaka, Toyama, 930-0892, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-431-8611
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7160628, Longitude: 137.203297

kommentar 5

  • f sb

    f sb


    4/11 Firefly squid was swimming 240412 Fireflies were cheap, with red mok. super good

  • SD爺ズ



    I think the quality is good overall. They have a wide variety of products, which is better than o-shop. There is also a relatively large raw fish section, which sells fresh fish like an old fish store. There is also a relatively large meat department with many types. The problem is that the entrance is narrower than other supermarkets, and there are a lot of different things, so it's difficult for customers to get in and out of each other. I think it would be good if it could be used more widely.

  • mina



    Since the Nagaoka Cemetery is nearby, I visited there to buy a grave visit set. It was helpful because I was able to get everything together.

  • 銭祐



    A supermarket along Prefectural Route 7, Toyama City tends to have a lot of Albis restaurants, so it's a bit of an afterthought, but Barrow is probably second best. The characteristics of this store are ・The meat is cheap and good. ・Vegetables and fish are normal, but the fresh fish corner sells seasonal fish in a dedicated space, and they cut the whole fish for you, so that's good. ・The side dishes are not that fulfilling. ・There is a bakery inside the store It's like that. The disappointing point is ・It's almost one-way from the vegetable corner (toward the entrance on the north side of the store), so you have to pass through the cash register when taking a shortcut. ・Recycled product collection boxes are scattered all over the place, which is a hassle.I want all the trays, transparent trays, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and milk cartons to be collected in one place. That's the kind of shop it is.

  • Victor



    More expensive than Albis

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