とやま生活協同組合 みなみ店 i Toyama

Japanとやま生活協同組合 みなみ店



🕗 åbningstider

206-5 Horikawamachi, Toyama, 939-8072, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-425-7982
internet side: www.toyama.coop
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.664225, Longitude: 137.2207554

kommentar 5

  • K -

    K -


    The attitude of the cashier (an elderly woman) is very bad. I felt even more uncomfortable because I had been talking loudly and happily with the customer just before. I like the products here, but I won't buy again when this staff is there.

  • Nyanskiego



    I've been using it for almost 20 years for regular delivery. I purchased a large amount of frozen and pouched foods for my child who was living far away, and sent them via courier from the store. The staff members are very polite. Both the catalog and the store are great! I steamed the bargain swordfish 🐟 that I bought at the store! was delicious! At 2 o'clock on a weekday, there were overwhelmingly many elderly female customers.

  • tmzow



    The store is old and small, but it has good quality products. The fish is fresh, and the bread is from several local shops.

  • summer hope N

    summer hope N


    After moving, I was surprised to find that there were almost no store-style COOP, York, or Aeon supermarkets in Toyama! . When I was a child in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, there was a Co-op store about 35 years ago, so we sold sweets, fruit juice drinks in aluminum pouches, chewette-shaped ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc. that we used to eat as snacks. I couldn't forget the taste, and I came to Co-op because I had the impression that their sashimi, natto, and tofu were delicious even in Tohoku. The store is JA-Coop size?! It's small!! deposit? There is no co-op pay for membership cards either! !(There was a LINE coupon). I bought sweets, carrot juice, and frozen yakitori. It was still delicious~~ An elderly woman asked the person in charge of the fresh fish corner, ``The fish here is delicious, so I'm going to buy it, but how should I cook it?'' When I heard that he recommended meuniere, I also bought white meat or sea bass, and it was delicious❣. I saw some customers asking for the head of the whole fish to be removed, or for three pieces to be grated, so I might just order my fish here from now on. As someone who used to shop in the Tokyo metropolitan area and Tohoku Co-op, I feel sad about the size and selection of the store, but I'd like to come back to buy fish, yakitori, snacks, juice, etc. from time to time, so I'm looking forward to it ★4 I'll let you.

  • s s

    s s


    For many years now, it has been displayed as ``(bargain item) silver salmon made in Chile, usually ●●● yen 〇〇〇yen, but I have never seen it sold at the regular price.

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