Okuma Dental Clinic i Takamatsu

JapanOkuma Dental Clinic



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3-chōme-2-12 Hanazonochō, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0072, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 87-837-9000
internet side: ookumashika.com
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Latitude: 34.3324087, Longitude: 134.0549766

kommentar 5

  • Strange Man

    Strange Man


    As other people have written in their reviews, the teacher seems to have a nice personality and listens carefully to my needs, but he is too sloppy. The inside of the mouth was cut with a medical instrument like a wire, the treatment was finished with something like cotton wool left in the mouth, and the medical instrument was repeatedly hit against other teeth. I think that's what is called ``I used to be a good teacher.'' Maybe it's because of my age, but I was worried because it was so rough, so I transferred to another hospital. I think everyone feels it differently, but I couldn't receive treatment with peace of mind.

  • むゆむゆ



    As per the reviews, they listened carefully and listened to the patient's requests, but when I was having them clean with an interdental brush, they were quite forceful, or rather forceful, and when I pulled it out, there was a backlash. My tongue was cut and my lip was cut. I didn't apologize for anything and just went home. I thought it was really bad and was transferred to the hospital.

  • マドンナ



    I had a family dentist, and both the doctor and hygienist were kind and thorough when dealing with my sudden tooth pain. The receptionist was very pleasant and I will continue to come here in the future. I decided to take care of you. I am a dentist who is always full of patients.

  • なかごろう



    Since I was working alone, I was able to have my cavities examined here as an emergency treatment. The receptionist, dental hygienist, and doctor worked well together, and the explanations before and after the treatment were very easy to understand. thank you very much.

  • まさと



    Actually, I don't want to give even 1 star. I was in such sudden pain that I couldn't sleep, and the dental clinic I usually go to was closed, so I contacted them first thing in the morning, and a few hours later I was able to make an appointment. So far so good. . . First of all, you said your tooth hurts in the morning, but do you have medicine to stop it from stinging? All I had to do was apply it, and then I was sent home and told to "check on me and come back if the pain doesn't go away." Naturally, the severe pain returned within an hour. Is there something I can do? and receive treatment again. I decided to have the area where I felt the most pain treated, but to put it simply, it was just removing that area and filling it in. After this, she said again, ``Please keep an eye on me. If the pain seems severe, there is a place that does it at night, so go there.'' At that stage, the pain was worse than the night before, when it was so painful that I couldn't sleep. I was told that the treatment would take a long time, and even asked her to change her work schedule, but what happened when she tried to send me home in more pain than before the treatment started? That's my impression. As a result, although it is my amateur judgment, I can't bear it as it is, so I ask them to remove the nerves and continue the treatment, and the pain somehow subsides and I leave the clinic. It took a total of four hours, and I was almost sent home in excruciating pain, and my money was also taken. I regret that I shouldn't have slept another night and went to my usual doctor's office. During the treatment, I was told that the bleeding wouldn't stop, but when I got home and gargled, there was a lot of blood coming out, so I checked inside my mouth and found that it was near the area that had been treated. His gums had been shaved off so much that you could see it at a glance. I was convinced that the blood wouldn't stop. Everyone makes mistakes, but in that case, shouldn't you admit it, explain the situation, and apologize? I think. I would like to ask the dental association if this kind of treatment is normal. Finally, the tooth that I had removed and filled with is now too sharp, and I continue to experience stinging pain when I touch it with my tongue. Even eating can be painful. I can't help but feel depressed thinking that I will be left like this for several days until I can get treatment at a different clinic. There is a part of me that has given up on it, thinking that I didn't have the eyes to see it, but I pray that no one else feels the same way. Of course I'll never go there again, but if people around me ask me, I'll probably tell them to stay away.

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