Habit Dental Clinic i Takamatsu

JapanHabit Dental Clinic



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13-3 Marugamemachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-0029, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 87-851-2266
internet side: habitdc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.3443681, Longitude: 134.0504092

kommentar 5

  • Golgo 13

    Golgo 13


    The doctor's skills seem to be good. The explanations are thorough, the treatment is efficient, and the treatment does not take much time or frequency. It has an office-like design that is stylish and clean. However, only the elderly woman at the reception desk was very disappointing. Even after presenting my medical card and insurance card, I said something bluntly. "what?" No, I didn't go into your house silently. Since my dentist doesn't have a parking lot, I have to park in a paid parking lot, but even though I asked him to give me a ticket for the affiliated parking lot, "yes?" That reaction. And the mouth from above from beginning to end. I gave it 3 stars because of this receptionist. If it wasn't for this person, I would give it 5 stars.

  • 山田やまだ(スヌーピー)



    I have always been troubled by not being able to meet Mr. Iishika in my hometown. I was worried, but it was the time when I started to want cavities and cavities that I had covered during vocational school, but I didn't want to go to a local dentist, so when I happened to go to Takamatsu, this one with a signboard opened. It was the first time I went there after leaving school early at noon. I talked to him about the harsh dental practices I've had and the times I've had teeth extracted that weren't cavities, and the doctor kindly listened to me. Dentistry was traumatic, but now that I've come here, I feel safe. I moved a little further away, but I don't want to change my dentist, and I've been using him for about 6 years! ️I feel relieved because the teeth that I had my doctor look at and the ones that were put on don't wear out.I have reduced the number of times I go to the dentist.Unlike before, I am thinking of going for a checkup soon. I thought about going to Takamatsu for the first time in a while, and once I saw it and found other people, I could spend another year with peace of mind. I'm glad the teacher went.

  • Y Kanaka

    Y Kanaka


    The location is easy to find in a shopping district, and the hygienists and doctors are very kind. As mentioned in other reviews, the clinic is very clean and there is no odor typical of dentists. Since we make reservations, there is almost no waiting time. When you first visit, they will take pictures of your teeth and explain everything to you. The next time I go, they always give me today's results on the way home. I've never had a dentist do this before, so it was very refreshing. I heard that children can also be treated here, so I plan to take them when they get a little older. He is a recommended dentist.

  • 箕野遥



    Thanks to the very thorough explanations and speedy and accurate treatment, I didn't feel any pain at all, even though I was afraid of anesthesia. It's true. I was so surprised that I recommended it to everyone at work. He was very attentive and gave thorough explanations of the location of the cavity and after the treatment, and even asked me to help without hesitation if it hurt. It's also beautiful. Cleanliness is very important in a hospital, so I thought this dentist was paying close attention to it. I really recommend it!

  • Sam Barinque

    Sam Barinque


    Not foreigner-friendly plus the receptionist and the destist can't speak English

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