Okayamaminami Clinics en Okayama

JapónOkayamaminami Clinics



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-7-25 Hamano, Minami Ward, Okayama, 700-0845, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-250-5882
sitio web: www.okayama-mc.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6286881, Longitude: 133.9367942

comentarios 5

  • 6/8



    Thank you for your help during the coronavirus. The teacher also gave me an antigen test, but was it done at a good pace? It was really good and I was able to take it without any pain. He is a very kind and enthusiastic teacher whose explanations are easy to understand.

  • マトウダイ



    I went there for about five years as a fever outpatient clinic for emergencies when I couldn't travel far because it was close to home. The receptionist had long small talk and was very loud. I get the impression that there are many people with bad attitudes. Every time I went to the reception I didn't feel normal. The nurses are a little unfriendly, but I feel like they're like this everywhere when they're busy. To give you an example of when I had doubts about the receptionist's response, I was told to wait in my car to pay the bill when I handed over medicine at a pharmacy, and ended up waiting for over an hour at the company office in the summer. After 40 minutes, I felt that something was wrong, so I contacted the pharmacy, but the pharmacy had not contacted me. The mistake can't be helped, but the receptionist who made the communication error didn't apologize, and the pharmacy itself apologized. I understand that you are busy, but the person who made the communication error should be the one who apologizes. If you always have a bad attitude, just a few words like this can easily make a bad impression. My impression of the doctor was not too bad, and the diagnosis was a little thorough. Depending on the patient's progress and symptoms, he or she can refer the patient to a general hospital, but he or she can ask, "What do you want to do?" and prompt the patient to take over as soon as possible. Regarding the fever outpatient treatment at the clinic's back dome, I think it is better for the elderly or those who have a high fever to reduce their physical strength and have limited mobility, so it is better for them not to visit the outpatient clinic. I spend a lot of time alone and it's dangerous. If you ask, a nurse will probably help you move, but the footing is not good, which is a hassle. This is the correct answer in terms of isolating patients and protecting staff from infection, but I think the location and transportation issues are difficult issues.

  • さかの



    When I was in trouble after being bitten by a dog, I was told that the dermatologist was able to treat dog bites, but I was told that I could not receive treatment on the day of the appointment as it was fully booked and priority was given. However, here I was treated right away and thoroughly sterilized using a syringe. Lately, I've only been making reservations in advance (I think they're also taking reservations), but when I had a really urgent problem, I was grateful that they responded right away. If you are bitten by a dog, there is no plastic surgery. I was told to go to surgery. That's great The nurses also respond promptly and are there for you. We have received your request. The teacher also spoke reassuringly and responded well, which was really helpful.

  • かべうち



    I went there due to the coronavirus, but even after the designated meeting time, there was no contact and I was forced to wait in the scorching heat of the car. Inside the isolation dome, there was no nurse call (what would they do if things suddenly changed?) The nurse wearing glasses had a very bad attitude, such as slamming the door shut and talking to me even though I was taking my blood pressure. Even paying the bill was made to wait in the car even longer. There is too much waste in the flow. This is not the way to treat someone who is not feeling well, and you will get heatstroke. It's a fact.

  • みかん



    The person who accepted me was very nice. The person at the reception desk who was working on a computer didn't look at me at all and didn't say anything like ``Thank you for your help.'' Nurses and doctors are mediocre. The people who were weeding around the clinic did not say hello. I went without a reservation around 5:30pm on a weekday, but there was almost no waiting time and they accommodated me. There are several parking lots.

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