Inokuchi Internal Medicine Clinic en Okayama

JapónInokuchi Internal Medicine Clinic



🕗 horarios

23-15 Daianji Higashimachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-253-8000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6644525, Longitude: 133.8898285

comentarios 5

  • コロコロロロ



    This teacher is very easy to talk to and gives detailed explanations. He is very friendly and listens well. I think he is the perfect doctor for a family doctor. What's a little disappointing is the fever outpatient clinic. I feel like they should be a little more efficient with their inspections. Too many phone calls.

  • Y F

    Y F


    Very kind. If you have a fever, we will first communicate with you in the car, but the nurse will deliver the medical questionnaire and thermometer to you. Although it will be in a different location, the doctor will examine you properly. We also provide coronavirus and influenza test kits.

  • ryuichi p-tan

    ryuichi p-tan


    I visited the fever clinic in the evening. I had to wait a while because there were many other patients, but I was glad that they carefully checked my symptoms.

  • ୨୧ ୨୧

    ୨୧ ୨୧


    Even if the phone rings while on duty on holidays, I ignore it. If you have no choice but to go directly to the reception desk, some people will have called you in advance, so you may have to wait quite a while. Such a bad reception. I mean, what kind of system do you have in place when you know it's going to be crowded and there's only one person at the reception? I don't want to give even 1 star.

  • ボル君



    My liver values ​​were high during my health checkup, so I went to see Dr. Momoko. He is a very kind teacher, has a soft demeanor, and has a wealth of knowledge and explains everything in detail, which made me feel at ease. The nurses are very courteous and the hospital is very clean. This is a clinic you can trust.

El hospital más cercano

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