Japanese Red Cross Okayama Hospital en Okayama

JapónJapanese Red Cross Okayama Hospital


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2-chōme-1-1 Aoe, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0941, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-222-8811
sitio web: www.okayama-med.jrc.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6356114, Longitude: 133.9232356

comentarios 5

  • gunxt gp&nxt

    gunxt gp&nxt


    During the time when the coronavirus is spreading, there is a climate in which many employees and managers are prioritizing their own entertainment, such as watching basketball games. In order to cut costs, the office staff hired temporary staff who specialize in office work, have low communication skills, and are not at all cooperative, and are being bullied by regular employees who have missed the current system and have low office skills and an abnormally bloated sense of pride. state of being. The Human Resources Department is aware of the current situation, but has not taken any particular measures. The Red Cross brand has a negative influence, and the hospital is run at a lower quality than nearby general hospitals.

  • りりり



    A 3-month-old baby was taken care of in the nighttime emergency room with a referral letter. There were quite a few people waiting in the waiting area, and both the counter and the emergency treatment room seemed busy. There were three office staff at the counter, and one of them, a woman with brown hair and nails, seemed to be very bad at answering the phone and providing guidance to the other staff. She seems irritated all the time, and I understand that she's tired of being busy, but it's obvious. I'm so irritated it's laughable. If it's too hard, it might be better to take a break or quit instead of having to remember your name tag and complain about it. The doctors and nurses were very kind and courteous, and both my parents were able to go home with peace of mind. Thank you for your time during your busy night.

  • お魚すぷらっしゅばーがー



    After surgery Even though I was allowed to take a shower after three days, I had to wait until six days later because the shower room was full. I was told that I could use the shampoo freely, but since I was in a wheelchair, there was no assistance. I washed it frantically, getting soaked. I cried for my efforts. I'm worried about equipment capacity.

  • てら犬



    My father was hospitalized for surgery. The surgeons who performed the surgery came every day and explained the procedure. I was able to leave it to you with peace of mind. I was relieved that my father was able to get out of bed earlier than I expected and was working hard on his rehabilitation. I wonder if the surgical CP works, and the drug management guidance is far from the level that would add points. If you just identify the medicines you brought with you, that doesn't mean you've given instructions on drug management.

  • ハッピー



    Someone close to me was hospitalized. The patient's dignity was not respected and he was treated as a mentally ill person, which made me feel very uncomfortable. He apologized, but I only get the impression from the top part. It was a very annoying atmosphere, and if they were busy, they wouldn't be able to respond to the discussion until the end. I trusted him, but I was disappointed. I will not give up and want to restore my reputation. Afterwards, I spoke with a person from the General Affairs Division of the JRCS. Even though I was busy, I was able to respond properly and listen to my story. However, there was something that bothered me. Apparently, the JRCS has relationships with people who are in anti-social positions. A person from the General Affairs Division said this clearly. I'm scared.

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