Okayama University Hospital en Okayama

JapónOkayama University Hospital


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🕗 horarios

2-chōme-5-1 Shikatachō, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-8558, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-223-7151
sitio web: www.okayama-u.ac.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6507388, Longitude: 133.9206523

comentarios 5

  • つぼじい



    My impressions after using it I've been using it for a long time, and over that time the hospital has improved it in many ways, making it easier to use. First of all, the parking lot is large and it is very easy to park. You can tell when a space is vacant by seeing a green lamp on the ceiling. Currently, you can check in on the same day by entering the hospital using an app, and there is no need to line up at the reception machine. You will be issued a reception number and a barcode for the day, so all you have to do is read the barcode at your destination and the reception will be completed quickly and smoothly once you get used to it. By the way, the elevators are large enough to be used by the general public, even if they are marked as for sleepers.

  • Theodor Tagesson

    Theodor Tagesson


    The so called ´´Doctor´´ whipped out a scale telling me to step on it, just by the spiritual pressure of my pinky toe the scale broke into pieces. Then he said i had stage 2 diabetes, DOES THAT MEAN I ELVOLVED FROM STAGE 1??? WHATEVER IT MEANS I HAVE A SUGOI NEW POWER

  • Scanlon Pat

    Scanlon Pat


    The hospital has an excellent reputation nationally and worldwide as both a training and as a general medical facility. Counselor services are first class and English is fairly well understood. The English website is very easy to follow.

  • Takuya Arai

    Takuya Arai


    Holds authority in Cardiovascular Surgery

  • ali farhan

    ali farhan


    Very good doctor and very understand English

El hospital más cercano

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