Ohara no Sato Onsen w Kyoto

JaponiaOhara no Sato Onsen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

41 Ōharakusaochō, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 601-1248, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 75-744-2917
strona internetowej: www.oohara-no-sato.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.123042, Longitude: 135.822504

komentarze 5

  • sina ri

    sina ri


    We stayed at the Onsen for one night and even in such a short stay we were able to relax. The whole place is like from a Ghibli movie, they decorated it with many little details which are a pleasant surprise. The dinner and breakfast were delicious and the staff could explain to us in English how to do/ eat certain things. They were very patient and welcoming. Thank you very much for the nice stay

  • Mark Dang

    Mark Dang


    If you know the differences between minshuku vs ryokan then this is the remote place to visit. You can take Bus #17 from Kyoto station (560 yen as of 5/12/2024) or the Karasuma line & Bus #19 (650 yen as of 5/12/2024). The traditional single room with tatami mats has a kotatsu, small TV, humidifier and safe. Staffs does speak English and provide great services. Location wise, it is in the mountain side with a small river/stream running through. Dinner and breakfast are serves at specific time in midsize dinning room for all guests. Single table is lining the inner Ghibli garden, I had delicious chicken, assorted veggies plate, miso hotpot and assorted communal side dishes for dinner and it is American size portion. Breakfast is grilled fish, tofu, miso soup and assorted side dishes. The highlight is the 3 miso (light, red and dark) range from mild and sweet to umami rich savory. I arrived in the middle of the thunderstorm and the 900m walk (slight incline) was not that hard with google maps and signage along the way. If you are mobile challenge there is a shuttle service (a van) from the minshuku but please call and arrange ahead of time - again small staffs so it is depend on availability. Take in the rice fields, vegetables fields, small wooden bridge without guard rails over the stream along the way. It is the essence of countryside and molasses time. If you reach this place by car, there is a small parking place with extra fee or you can park in the lot by the bus stop. Again 900m walk from the bus stop. By the time I reached the minshuku, I was soaking wet from the thunderstorm. The staff wipe down my carryon and luggage and checked me in while I dried up a bit - top notch services. There is a humidifier in the room and a small rack so I was able to dry my clothes over night. Single Room - small, light dusts, no coat hangers, no private bathroom, tatami mat, a shikibuton (mattress), a kakebuton (duvet), and a buckwheat hull pillow. A shoji window with sliding window a bug screen. Depending on your length of stay, you may not even need to unpack your suitcase. Insect sprays will be provide when ask - Again you are the guest of the minshuku and literally the mountain. I slept with the window open to the sound of rain, rushing stream and rustling leaves dancing in the wind. Communal bathroom - Shared separate sinks area with hair driers, a small fridge and a small microwave. Men area has 3 urinals and 1 Toto san toilet for my floor. Wifi can be slow depending on the guests usage but it is perfectly good for me. I'm here to relax and recharge and not streaming movies or working during my stay. Onsen - Open 7am - 9am; 4pm - 10pm and it switch men and women daily so you can experience both sides. It is include an inside area, small outside area and a pottery/ceramic tub that can fit 2 people comfortable. - You will see insects and leaves in the water and there is a small net for you to remove those. My stay was during the thunderstorm and it was a magical Ghibli experience with the onsen. Tall majestic maples, pine canopy shield most of the rain and when the wind shake them, cold rain water shower you like a refreshing overhead shower. You are on the edge of the lush green forest. During my morning onsen soak, a herd of deers (5 of them) were on their early morning commute and one stop and stare. I guess it register me in the forest registration list. Hiking attractions - there is a temple within walking distance, foot soak cafe, soba noodle shop, a restaurant across the stream. There is also a spot for fireflies viewing - unless you have a long exposure camera then you phone will not do it any justice. Overall - This place feels like a personal Ghibi rendered experience with great foods and services. Will come back in the future.

  • Ivan Jasso

    Ivan Jasso


    Beautiful inn. The open air baths are a great experience. Soaking in hot water with a forest backdrop is hard to beat. The staff were incredibly nice and helpful.

  • Marina Matyushina

    Marina Matyushina


    It is worth visiting this place because it's the only way you can really feel that special atmosphere of beautiful Miyazaki's World, which really exists here and feel vibes of true japanese countryside. Do not afraid to get off the popular tourist routes😂you'll reach unforgettable impression. Keep in mind this place is not exactly ryokan but minshuku, so you can get almost all ryokan's features but for more comfortable price. You'll sleep on a traditional floor futon, enjoy amazing views and walk around beautiful routes, meet kindhearted people, try true onsen, taste traditional meals and, yeah , heavenly miso😂 I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the warm hospitality I received here, kind reminders and recommendations before visit from staffs. If you reach this place by bus from Kyoto station please pay attention bus number🙏there is city bus with same number

  • Ian Gardner

    Ian Gardner


    This Ryokan was everything I ever dreamed of when going to Kyoto. I don't understand the negative reviews complaining about how it's older with little modern amenities. That is quite literally the point of a traditional Ryokan. Our host was very patient in dealing with our broken Japanese vocabulary, and helped us get comfortable even though we arrived much later then we had hoped to be there. Each side of the Onsen was breathtakingly beautiful, private and quite warm.

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