Yumoto Onsen OharaSansou w Kyoto

JaponiaYumoto Onsen OharaSansou


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

17 Oharakusaocho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 601-1248, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 75-744-2227
strona internetowej: www.ohara-sansou.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1238357, Longitude: 135.8219643

komentarze 5

  • Colin Graybuck

    Colin Graybuck


    This was my first time at a Ryokan or an Onsen and I couldn't ask for a better introduction. My partner and I arrived late, nearly 7:30, after a magical walk from the bus station through the winding foot paths of Ohara, up the hill to the Inn. We were able to drop our things in our room and go to dinner, which was a simmering hotpot of miso broth with plated of meat, vegetables, mushrooms and noodles, which was an absolutely perfect meal on a chilly November evening. After dinner we had our first baths, me in the wood baths and her in the stone ones. The ambiance of the outdoor baths is truly magical. Stepping out of the thick fog of the indoor shower room and bath you step into what feels like another world. Japanese maples overhang the walls of the bathing area, where you can alternate between a large hot bath, or a small tepid one fed by the natural spring. Going back is on the top of my list for my next trip to Japan. Some things to know before you go: this is a fairly traditional ryokan, so rooms do not have their own bathrooms, and you do make your own bed from futons on the floor. Every room does come with a safe, a/c, tv and Wi-Fi.

  • Raymond Lew

    Raymond Lew


    A no regret place for Onsen! Rooms are clean and tidy, and the dinners are mouthwatering. Don’t forget to try the sake with dinner. It’s a perfect match. The service, the staffs there are warm and welcoming. Will be there sooner or later when visiting the region again.

  • Samuel Chilcott

    Samuel Chilcott


    FANTASTIC. ++ Kind staff that spoke good English. ++ Great value ++ Rooms comfortable traditional Japanese tatami mats. ++ Breakfast and dinner DELICIOUS (Heavily recommend) ++ Onsen very good ++ BEAUTIFUL scenery - Appeared to be a slight bit of moisture/dampness/mould in corner of onsen room? Heavily recommend.

  • Ben Witte

    Ben Witte


    This is all you can wish for if you are into japanese lifestyle, the floors in the room are tatami with shoji doors. In addition the complementary dinner was a hotpot and the breakfast was tradiontional. Would recommend every one!

  • Alex Gunk

    Alex Gunk


    Amazing place to stay! Fantastic views from the room of mountains and forests. Sparkling clean onsens, and delicious, healthy and authentic traditional Japanese meals. Staff went above and beyond to make us comfortable, and we're always very friendly and approachable. This is the perfect place to relax and recharge on a busy holiday. If you want to have a real Japanese rural traditional experience in an onsen, go here!

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