Backpackers Hostel K's House Kyoto w Kyoto

JaponiaBackpackers Hostel K's House Kyoto



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418 Nayachō, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8142, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 75-342-2444
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9897931, Longitude: 135.7649216

komentarze 5

  • Capucine LEFEBVRE

    Capucine LEFEBVRE


    Probably the best hostel I've ever stayed in. I stayed five nights in a room for four people with enough luggage space. The staff is very kind, everything is clean and tidy. The best aspect of the hostel is the big kitchen and a huge shared room for socializing and working. Would definetely come back!

  • james oakley

    james oakley


    The hostel is well located within Kyoto and has several convenience stores within a 2 minute walk and also has both a subway and the main Kyoto station within a 10-15 minute walk. If you are travelling with lots of luggage you may want to consider a taxi for this journey though. Our group booked a 4 person private dorm room and a 2 person room with private bathroom. The rooms can be quite cramped if you have a reasonable amount of luggage but are otherwise ok. The Aircon was extremely welcome in the heat and the beds were comfortable. The only main criticism of the double room was that the only electric sockets available were right next to the main door at the other end of the room from the bed which made using anything electrical challenging at times. The facilities were always clean and well maintained and there are showers and toilets located on each floor however it can get quite busy at peak times. The staff are very friendly and helpful and most speak excellent English. They were always happy to assist us with anything we needed and even recommended a couple of nearby events during our stay. The common area is well equipped with seating and all of the usual cooking equipment as well as free tea & coffee. The Laundry room is also available to all and easy to use but be aware that there can be a bit of a wait at busier times.

  • Matt Flavell

    Matt Flavell


    Staff speak good English and gave us a lot of helpful information. They're kind in allowing us to store our luggage for free after checkout, as well as using the common area and shower. Good location, nearby tube stations and bars are restaurants (although the ones nearby don't stay open very late). Room is nice traditional Japanese style, plenty of storage and enough space for three butter boys, although a little bit small. Room has air conditioning, openable windows, and several plug sockets. The whole place is very clean and well-maintained. Several toilets and powerful showers (very clean!) Comfortable and happy stay!

  • Alex Wenman

    Alex Wenman


    Excellent hostel in a great central location. We loved our stay here, the dorm beds were comfortable and everything was clean. Staff went the extra mile with a detailed check in and even went above and beyond to reunite us with a lost jacket we left behind post-stay. Common spaces and kitchen are excellent, the rooftop has great views. Wouldn’t change anything and will definitely stay again if in Kyoto.

  • Rebecca Harvey

    Rebecca Harvey


    Nice hostel located really close to the train station and not too far from the main sites in Kyoto. The staff were all very friendly and rooms including communal areas were very clean. Also has a coin laundry available which was very helpful. Stayed in a private room which was a reasonable size and was not noisy. Would return if in Kyoto again!

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