Nonoyama Shika en Naha

JapónNonoyama Shika



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Japan, 〒900-0015 Okinawa, Naha, Kumoji, 1-chōme−2−1 3F
contactos teléfono: +81 98-869-4646
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2136442, Longitude: 127.6785222

comentarios 5

  • S Y

    S Y


    We become indebted to! ! He is a very skilled dentist and I highly recommend him 👏👏✨✨

  • 村上光雄



    Dr. Nonoyama, the director here, was a classmate of mine from university, and I became an acupuncturist, and for some reason, Dr. Nonoyama became a dentist...and I was surprised to find out that he was opening a practice in Okinawa. (lol) I went on a trip to Okinawa twice (lol) and had my teeth removed for tartar and whitened, etc., and the explanations and procedures were very good! I was impressed. I heard that he specializes in implants, so I see! I felt that his technical ability was truly impressive! Although she looks tough, she still has the same kindness and compassion for her friends! I think he is a dentist you can trust with confidence!

  • j.a mc132

    j.a mc132


    I started going to the dental esthetician and the cleaning was very pleasant. I'm going to sleep. Since he is an implant specialist, his technique is reliable.

  • twix Croca

    twix Croca


    Due to the timing of the visit, I rarely meet other patients in the clinic, so it's very comfortable. I have received several implants, and even after several years, there were no problems and the procedures were stress-free and smooth. The teacher looks scary, but perhaps because of his job, he talks in a straightforward manner, so he is frank and friendly, and his explanations are easy to understand and reliable. However, there is only one doctor who will treat you, so reservations are required.

  • 知花伸



    He's a very good dentist. Everything from reception to reception and treatment went very smoothly. I feel very safe as they will guide me through each treatment step by step. Thoroughly examine the condition of your teeth and gums, They also gave me advice for the future. If you want to make a good first impression on your face, please give it a try. Recommended (^ ^)

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