Life Dental Clinic Oroku en Naha

JapónLife Dental Clinic Oroku



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5-chōme-11-2 Kanagusuku, Naha, Okinawa 901-0155, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-858-4618
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.1956554, Longitude: 127.6655552

comentarios 5

  • 陽菜常盤木



    Although I had to rush in on short notice, I was very lucky to be able to see the doctor. I'm really thankful to you. The director's explanations were concise and easy to understand, and he frequently told me things like, ``It hurts a little, but please be patient,'' so I felt at ease. All the assistants were also very efficient. It's a very nice hospital.

  • ああ



    worst dentist. I had a filling made for me, but it was so high that I was in severe pain every time I ate it. I felt like my gums were swollen, so I asked the doctor to take a look at them and he said they were beautiful. When I went to see another dentist, it turned out to be periodontitis, and my gums were swollen, so they decided to treat it with antibiotics. I don't know if he's just turning a blind eye or if he really doesn't know, but I don't trust him. The fillings are not the right size for my teeth, and there are gaps between my teeth, which causes food to get stuck every time I eat, which is really annoying. It's been more than a month, but I'm still getting my gums treated, and I've never had any trouble choosing a dentist, but I learned that there are some places that are suitable.

  • k i

    k i


    I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night on Saturday because of the pain in my tooth, and it turned out to be a cavity...? ! So I searched for a place that has medical examinations on Sundays and found this place. When I called the doctor in case it didn't work, he said it was fine, and I rushed in to see the doctor. I was pregnant and had morning sickness so bad that I even ended up being hospitalized, so I put off dental checkups until later, and I was worried that I probably had a lot of cavities, but the hygienist was so kind and helpful. The doctor also cared about the health of my baby and me, and although it was my first time there, I felt very at ease. In the end, I was told that my wisdom teeth might be the cause, but since I was pregnant, she explained the risks of the medication, which made a good impression on me. I would like to make him my family dentist from now on.

  • ひまわり



    I went there for the first time in a long time. There are a lot of patients so I have to wait a while, but the explanations are very thorough, which is helpful since I don't understand anything. If you don't understand something too much, he will explain it to you with a picture. Whenever you do something, say, ``The water will come out,'' or ``I'll scrape it.'' They will say something to you, so you can leave it to us with peace of mind. They teach me how to brush my teeth, and even give me a paper to write down where I don't brush my teeth, which I've never received at other dentists, so it's easy to understand. Maybe because there are a lot of patients, the parking lot is full (although apparently there are parking lots in remote areas), or it's hard to get an appointment because it's fully booked, but it's better than being told, "We're still available tomorrow." It can't be helped because it's popular = good at it.

  • 三浦圭子



    I went to have my teeth cleaned. The dental assistants are very kind and polite. It doesn't hurt. And before we start, we measure our blood pressure, and the hospital is doing its best. They are also good at teaching you how to brush your teeth. You can go there with peace of mind.

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