Nahahibiki Dental Clinic en Naha

JapónNahahibiki Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒902-0068 Okinawa, Naha, Makabi, 3-chōme−19−30 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 98-917-2023
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2223996, Longitude: 127.7038037

comentarios 5

  • m.m.m.



    I came to the hospital for a test. I was impressed by the hygienist's very thorough counseling. They listened carefully to what I wanted to convey. However, if treatment was required as a result of the test, I was told that I would only be able to receive treatment after one month, so I went to the doctor as an emergency treatment for the swollen gums that I was concerned about, and the test was completed without having to undergo a test. . I think this is a great option for those who have a good oral environment and can take preventive dental care. As someone who was seeking treatment, I was disappointed that it was so difficult, but I would like to come back for cleanings and other treatments once my oral health has improved. It seems that reservations for cleaning etc. can be made relatively smoothly.

  • mocha



    I went there for a medical checkup, and previously it only took one day, but this time, for the third time, I was surprised to hear the explanation for the first time. In addition, the examination consisted of only X-rays, intraoral photos, and gum examination, and the cost was high and I felt like I had been ripped off. I will choose another dentist from now on.

  • よっこ



    I always clean my teeth thoroughly. Thanks to the regular checkups every three months, I am grateful that any abnormalities in my oral cavity were dealt with immediately.

  • 砂川美加



    I told them that I was afraid of having instruments inserted into my mouth due to a problem I had at another clinic, and that it had been a while since I last visited the dentist, and that I had problems with my teeth that needed treatment, and that I was afraid of having instruments inserted into my mouth. They were very thorough in their dental examinations, etc. Especially during the interview, I felt so relieved that I was able to express my feelings in words (I realized that my previous troubles had been such a traumatic experience). Since it was before the treatment started, I thought that once the treatment started, I would be fighting against fear and myself (lol), but strangely, I felt more secure and determined than before the examination/questionnaire, and I was positive and said, ``I want to do my best to get better.'' I feel like I can go to the hospital with this feeling. Everyone, including the hospital director, is very kind.

  • N N

    N N


    Both the dental hygienist and the doctor had a cheerful and approachable atmosphere, and I felt at ease receiving treatment. The inside of the hospital was clean and comfortable, and I was able to relax while waiting and receiving treatment.There was music playing, and there was a TV on the ceiling, so I thought it would be good for children. The female doctor and staff were very nice and gave detailed explanations that made me want to take better care of my teeth. I think I'd like to bring my children next time.

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