Goya Dental Clinic en Naha

JapónGoya Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

323-1 Mekaru, Naha, Okinawa 900-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-864-1816
sitio web: www.goya-dc.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2380433, Longitude: 127.6960531

comentarios 5

  • 久米島くめ子



    I met a very good dentist for the first time in a while. Both the doctor and the dental hygienist were polite and kind, and even though I was nervous, they spoke kindly to me, which made me very happy and eased my nerves. He is a wonderful dentist who respects the opinions of his patients.

  • チワワ



    Before treatment, a kind doctor will He explains it slowly, so it's easy to understand. You can also listen calmly. After changing it here It's only a little bit I'm glad I made the change. He is very helpful when it comes to treatment costs, which is helpful.

  • みーみー



    I am a dentist who takes care of my children every time they have oral problems. I had four wisdom teeth removed, one at a time, and I was worried that they would swell, but all four were removed without any swelling. ← (Whether it swells or not may depend on the way it grows?) My children also come here for cavities treatment, but thanks to the kind and friendly staff and doctors, they are not afraid of receiving treatment. The area near the entrance of the parking lot is a little narrow, making it difficult to park large cars, but there are 2 to 4 cars in the back. You can park in the parking lot (← it's quite spacious in the back) without any problems. The receptionist speaks in a soft and gentle manner that makes you feel at ease.

  • 板山ゆみ



    I can't make a reservation even though my face is sunny. Treatment details are not honest. It took over a week for the swelling to go down ❗ It's the worst! ️

  • Yuria Loo

    Yuria Loo


    The receptionist is also very polite. They will give you a thorough explanation before the procedure. It's also open on Sundays (until 1pm), which I think is very convenient. However, it is always fully booked, not only on Sundays. I think it's obvious, but reservations are required! Open every day except Wednesdays and public holidays.

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