Nishioka Daiichi Hospital i Sapporo

JapanNishioka Daiichi Hospital


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6-chōme-8-1 Nishioka 3 Jō, Toyohira Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 062-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-852-7171
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Latitude: 43.0129584, Longitude: 141.3872031

kommentar 5

  • ぶた薫る



    Terrible misdiagnosis. I wish they would do something to prevent anyone other than a specialist from attending the reception. First visit Not a specialist Cartilage phenomenon ⇒ Director Specialist Specialist Dysplasia That's too funny!

  • 丸勝(マルカツ)



    I was admitted to the hospital for surgery due to a herniated disc. The spinal cord specialist was a very nice person. I am truly grateful to my teacher. The hospital was clean and the nurses were all nice. To put it another way, it might be a pain to have to wait for a long time at the outpatient clinic.

  • 由紀



    I was diagnosed with a cervical hernia about 3 years ago. It's close to my house, and I had a good doctor who helped me with a broken bone about 20 years ago, so I had a good feeling about it, but these days there are a lot of terrible doctors. Although Dr. Obata was not a specialist, he examined me very kindly, but the specialist (I don't even want to remember his name) who regularly comes from another hospital told me that the MRI he had taken before he took charge was no good, and that he had to take a new MRI. He won't even palpate it because he's so insistent that he won't know unless it's there. They don't even consider the fact that I manage to make time to go to the doctor while working. Even worse is the director, a doctor named Minagawa. I have no choice but to manage the pain with medication, but even if I ask that I won't be able to see a doctor for a while due to a long business trip, there is still about a month's worth left and I can't get a prescription, so there is no flexibility. Both the male and female receptionists were unfriendly and had a bad feeling. The accountant also forgets to hand over the prescription... A hospital where everything is bad. The only good thing about it is the facilities since it was newly rebuilt. When her father visited the hospital regularly for about three months due to whiplash caused by a traffic accident, the doctor told him that the doctor was probably trying to pay compensation, even though he wasn't seriously injured. I was so shocked, but I could no longer hold back anymore.

  • クォンジヨン



    I was taken care of by my grandmother. The person in charge was a plump, middle-aged teacher. Although they wouldn't know the details without an MRI, it was likely that his spine was broken, but the only thing he told his grandmother, who lived alone, was to rest at home. When my grandmother told me that I wanted to be hospitalized because I could barely walk, she told me in a loud, high-pressure voice that I would have to live with family or go to a facility. After that, I was admitted to the hospital, but instead of saying my name, they called me "Hey." I was the worst person ever before being a doctor. I am currently planning to move to another hospital for surgery. No matter what happens in the future, I definitely don't want to be indebted to this teacher. Please learn morals.

  • Garden Exterior

    Garden Exterior


    I came to the hospital as an outpatient for my son's treatment. The first thing I thought was that the inside of the hospital was very clean, like a stylish spaceship, and the first floor felt extremely spacious. You would think you could harvest a considerable amount of rice if you turned the entire first floor into a rice field. However, because it's so spacious, it's hard to hear the staff calling out, "Mr. Although some calls are made through in-store broadcasts, staff members generally do it on their own. It didn't work very well, and my son and I were confused, wondering, "Did you just call me?" and "No, it's a trap." Many elderly people may have difficulty hearing. I wish all in-store broadcasts would be broadcast at a fairly large volume. To put it simply, I would like to hear a different chime for each department. If you're called to the radiology department, you'd say, "Tetere!, 〇〇-san," or if you're called for a consultation, you'd say, "Wow!, 〇〇-san." If it's a rehabilitation department, it's something like, ``Dude, 〇〇-san.'' Any sound effect is fine, but I wanted a call with an accent. Most of the sections related to outpatient services, such as rehabilitation, radiology, and examination rooms, seem to be concentrated on the first floor. The hospital staff aren't overly polite, nor are they belittling the customers, and their customer service is just right. It's easy to not be so nervous. During the doctor's treatment, he asked questions and listened to me carefully, both in words and in his demeanor, to the extent that I didn't feel nervous. I thought, ``I can rely on him,'' as he carefully palpates the area. The doctor who saw me that day was wearing a dress shirt and suit pants. This may just be my personal opinion, but I thought to myself, ``That morning, he was on a business trip as a lecturer at a medical school, and then came back in a hurry to attend a clinic in the afternoon.He was so busy that he didn't have time to change his clothes.'' I wonder if I can eat lunch properly. Even though he was wearing a dress shirt suit, the teacher looked clean and tidy, so I didn't feel out of place at all. He was a really good teacher in many ways. It doesn't really matter, but while I was waiting, I bought "Ribbon Napolin" from a vending machine. The moment I opened the lid, the contents squirted out. I made a mess on the floor and thought, ``This guy is gross,'' so I asked for a few tissues from the nearby radiology department, but he brought me a whole box, and without making a disgusted face, I said, ``Hey you.'' !, don't just bring a few copies, just bring the whole box!" and so on. There was also a vending machine with edible things like parm ice cream. You can learn the prescribed drugs at the nearby ``Ain Pharmacy Nishioka Daiichi Branch''. The parking lot is reasonably large and free. However, entrances and exits are strictly designated, and the parking lot is surrounded by a concrete fence except for the entrance and exit, so please be careful when checking the entrance.

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