Nakamura Memorial South Hospital i Sapporo

JapanNakamura Memorial South Hospital



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2-chōme-3-1 Kawazoe 2 Jō, Minami Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 005-0802, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-573-8555
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.9976458, Longitude: 141.3355667

kommentar 5

  • ほに



    I was taken to the emergency room. It was nighttime, so there were nurses, doctors, radiographers, and office staff? It was run by four people. The large middle-aged female nurse and middle-aged male radiology technician were very unpleasant. I didn't call an ambulance because I like it. For the first time, I had no choice but to call a doctor because I was in such a condition that I couldn't see a doctor myself. When the nurse heard from the emergency services that she could walk, she got irritated and said to someone in a loud voice, "I can walk!" I was called to see the doctor without any notice. He was angry and coldly told other elderly patients, ``That's not what it means.'' When the radiology technician led me to the examination, I was unsteady and unable to walk straight, so he didn't say anything to me or support me nearby, but he walked ahead of me and waited at the entrance. After receiving only a minimal explanation, I walked along the wall to the waiting room by myself after the test. I understand that they are busy, but the behavior of the nurses and radiology technicians was cold and sad. The people themselves may have forgotten what they said, but the person who was told it will remember it for the rest of their lives. The doctor seems indifferent, but it's not bad. The office staff were the kindest. I couldn't choose because I was taken to the hospital by ambulance, but it's a hospital I would never go to myself.

  • 貴美子(きー)



    I went to the emergency room on the night of December 24th, Christmas Eve. My son, a high school student, had a severe headache and was crying and his face was twitching.I was unsure whether to call an ambulance, so I called the Emergency Relief Center. They instructed me to go to a neurosurgery clinic as it was an emergency, and they introduced me to 5 neurosurgery clinics in the city.When I contacted them, they said, ``An ambulance will arrive at ours, so please take care of the others,'' and when I told them my symptoms, they said, ``Maybe.'' , isn't it a migraine? '', the doctor on duty told me... Only this hospital responded with sincerity, ``Just to be sure, let's run a test.'' If I need to be hospitalized, there are currently no beds available at our hospital, so I will have to refer you elsewhere. Is that okay? ” over the phone, I can trust the words of the doctor who first examined me and then showed me the next direction! So I went to the doctor. As a result, I had to consult another department rather than a neurologist, but I was relieved to have the test done. The doctor's explanations were very easy to understand, the people at the emergency counter were very kind, and the nurses were very considerate. There aren't many hospitals that provide such good emergency care, and I highly recommend him for neurosurgery.

  • mmm t

    mmm t


    My parents were rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery two hours later. Everything went smoothly from beginning to end, and the teacher in charge was thorough and very easy to understand. The nurses in the emergency room and ward were also kind and supportive of my concerns. I was discharged from the hospital safely, and I am very grateful for your help. thank you very much.

  • まこ



    My grandmother's name was wrong on her death certificate. It's really impossible. The doctor's response was good. There are good and bad nurses. Are you saying things like explaining visiting hours and such in an angry tone? I wish I could just say it normally. After all, I'm also a medical worker, so I know the general information.

  • Trampera La

    Trampera La


    It's the worst. I don't even want to give it a star. As I was preparing to undergo general anesthesia surgery at another hospital, I felt severe numbness in one arm and felt dizzy, so I consulted the surgeon and he recommended that I consult a neurosurgeon before the surgery, so I went to this hospital. . When I returned home and looked at my medical records, I realized that I had visited a rehabilitation department for the first time. I can't believe they sent me to the rehabilitation department even though I explained my surgical schedule and symptoms to the nurse during the interview. After the MRI test, the doctor was confused and said, ``For now, it's okay for large blood vessels.'' But what about small blood vessels? I thought to myself, and felt somehow uncomfortable. I had no idea he was a rehabilitation doctor. I don't feel comfortable undergoing surgery, so I need to go to another hospital for tests. Even though I'm already in poor health, this is a really terrible hospital. Even though it's a serious matter that could be life-threatening, it's really terrible.

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