Higashisapporo Clinics i Sapporo

JapanHigashisapporo Clinics


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3-chōme-7-35 Higashisapporo 3 Jō, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-8585, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-812-2311
internet side: www.hsh.or.jp
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Latitude: 43.0503882, Longitude: 141.3875901

kommentar 5

  • かにゃくん



    With a fever of 39 degrees Celsius, I thought about going to a hospital near my house, but unexpectedly, fever outpatient clinics were unable to accept tests during this coronavirus pandemic. I asked for medicine, but for some reason I was told that I couldn't get a medical certificate. I work in the medical field, so I need a medical certificate, but when I asked why, they didn't give me an answer. I do not get it. I'm not feeling well and wanted to go to the fever outpatient clinic, but I think it's better not to go to the fever outpatient clinic.

  • 魁龍



    The inpatient ward also has a rooftop, which is nice ✨✨✨

  • まりも羊羹



    I visited this clinic because I had been experiencing pain in my body for over a week and was worried that I might have a medical problem. I explained to him that my daily life was being affected, but I was disappointed that he did not understand at all. Since it's a large hospital, not all other doctors may be treated like this... Although it's close to my home, I don't think I'll be visiting again in the future. The nurses and receptionists were kind.

  • まつふら



    I would like to recommend that female doctors reconsider their career plans. Because he lacks the communication skills that most working adults would acquire during new employee training, it may be difficult for him to continue working in outpatient clinics, which require customer service skills. -Turn your body toward the other person when talking ・Do not interrupt the other person's conversation and make a point. ・Do not interpret or guide the conversation to suit your convenience. At the very least, it would be a good idea to take your eyes off the PC monitor and lean toward you about 5 degrees. It was my first visit, but after the examination, the nurse gave me follow-up information, such as additional information. Does that mean that this kind of behavior is becoming the norm? I realized that it is a difficult profession that requires only a medical license.

  • 畑山チャソネノレ



    I am a resident of Kita Ward and visited for the first time because there is no need to make a reservation and you can get a health certificate issued on the same day by visiting the reception desk at a designated time on the morning of the day. It was my first time having a medical checkup and I didn't know which was right and which was left, but the nurses were cheerful and very polite, which really helped me. On the other hand, I think it would be a good idea for your doctor to treat this as a problem and go see a doctor. Doctors are also human beings, and depending on your attitude toward them, you may be treated in a completely different way, so it may be a good idea to show your gratitude when you visit your doctor.

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