Nikko Park Lodge Tobu Station en Nikko

JapónNikko Park Lodge Tobu Station


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Japan, 〒321-1406 Tochigi, Nikko, Matsubarachō, 11−6
contactos teléfono: +81 288-25-3310
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.7470613, Longitude: 139.6191718

comentarios 5

  • Nienke Kingma

    Nienke Kingma


    The hotel is located right next to the station, so that’s very convenient. Though, the rooms are very outdated and worn out, including the strong dusty smell in the room. The Wi-Fi did not work in our room.

  • Gyan



    Pros: 1. Just in front of Tobu Nikko station. Cons: 1. Old ,dirty and unhygienic rooms. 2. No wifi at rooms; only available at reception. 3. Bed linens were not clean. 4. Continuous beep noise from Server room(check-in to check-out time). Couldn’t sleep well. 5. Most of the door locks were broken 6. Clogged wash basin. 7. Room lights were not working well. 8. Bedroom was not sound proof. Car tire rolling noise was there in the morning. It starts at about 5:30am. Couldn’t sleep well.




    Pros: -The location is really convenient cause it’s near station. -The staff is really friendly -Internet speed is good too -They have good amenities like micrwave, locker, etc Cons: -I couldnt sleep cause the rooms are sensitive to noise (walls are very thin) -There’s a loud noise coming from faucet (when someone is using) -One tiny pillow that’s not comfortable - Shower is either flooded or lights are broken - Just one tiny face towel, bring your own body towel Overall, as much as convenient the location of the place is, I couldnt sleep well and felt not comfortable to stay. So, I decided to checkout very early after my experience.

  • Emmy Desmarais

    Emmy Desmarais


    really well located, just in front of the station. its close to a lot of restaurants and the rooms are very clean, you even get a heated blanket!! i had some trouble checking in and i called the owner and he answered me right away! excellent service.

  • SS Jj

    SS Jj


    I had an interesting experience with this hotel. I booked a room on Agoda which turned out to be the price of another room at the hotel and the price was 3X different. After some back and forth between the manager and I we realised AGODA was at fault. For the next 3 days of my stay the manager helped me contact and talk to Agoda and when Agoda wasn’t fair to me in the end he discounted the difference between the rooms and price. So thankful in the end for the help and service. The double room which I actually booked was a great room too..

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