Niigata Park Hotel i Niigata

JapanNiigata Park Hotel


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1-chōme-8-10 Minamisasaguchi, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0912, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3205-0740
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9094924, Longitude: 139.0659838

kommentar 5

  • lychenus lyn

    lychenus lyn


    But wallpaper are coming off. Places you do not see is dirty and there are mold on it. And the big bath is in rotation times But its so cheap, so you do not complain. And the lobby lady service is superb

  • Alex B

    Alex B


    Such a great place for the price, after staying in several similar budget hotels in Japan I can safely say this is one of the best! Not perfect, sure, but the hotel was clean, the breakfast was amazing, I like the relaxation area and public bath/sauna and the staff were very friendly. The room is a bit small but for one person it's perfect, otherwise get a twin room

  • Bert Wagatsuma

    Bert Wagatsuma


    Room was quite small. Was clean. The breakfast buffet, well let's just say I've had better. Location, within walking distance to the train station. Staff, helpful.

  • udana sanjana

    udana sanjana


    It's cheap. Rooms are small but enough for if you're are going for a quick trip. Close to the station so that you can walk there. But rooms are old and need some better cleanliness.

  • Kiki



    Its afforable, not very clean though. The bathroom had a really bad smell to it and the room didn't look very clean. Give it 3 stars for being close to Niigata station and Maccas, plus, has nice staff. They at least have your basic needs covered.

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