Court Hotel Niigata i Niigata

JapanCourt Hotel Niigata


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2-chōme-3-35 Benten, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0901, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-247-0505
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9149608, Longitude: 139.0576905

kommentar 5

  • Joe Vassallo

    Joe Vassallo


    Serviceable, I suppose. Decent location in relation to Niigata station. Made the mistake of making a zoom call on the hotel WiFi, and experienced regular freezing. Bath/shower is loud and temperature is neigh-impossible to control without a struggle (two knobs). It will bounce between maximum heat and maximum cold very easily, hard to find a middle ground. Staff is friendly.

  • GingaBishoujo



    Very terrible service. There is no option to pay online and will still charge you 80% of the price if you have to cancel. Stay anywhere else but here, especially if you think that your plans might change.

  • Kiril Penchev

    Kiril Penchev


    Good price compare to the service. The location is at the down town. It is clean. The staff are very polite.

  • Ghee Beng Tan

    Ghee Beng Tan


    Things in the room are very old and old style. Bed very soft. Cant adjust the air-con temperature. Can smell the smoke in the room

  • Karl



    Great hotel with good service. We sadly decided to check out two days early due to the earthquake and they were very accommodating.

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