Neutral w Mito




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1936 Ōdarachō, Mito, Ibaraki 319-0312, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 29-259-7717
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Latitude: 36.3833333, Longitude: 140.3636111

komentarze 5

  • 恂恊



    I've been wanting to go for a long time, and I finally got to go. Very good atmosphere I think it's a place where you can relax and have some tea. cake and scones I didn't eat it, but it looked delicious. Half of the store is a general store This also has quite a taste. ā– Fruit Perrier It was on the menu, so what is it like? When I asked, I was told that it was carbonated water with fruit syrup added to it. I knew that Perrier was carbonated water. Just add fruit syrup to Perrier 700 yen is really expensive. I thought it was real fruit dropped into the glass. The chai was delicious, but The fruit tea I ordered came in a tea bag. Not much had changed and I was disappointed. The ice cream is also as others have written. However, in a quiet coffee shop The atmosphere is good and there are terrace seats. It was good. In my opinion, it feels overpriced I think it's a good place to relax and drink tea. Restrooms are shared between men and women It has a retro feel, but I would like to see a little more work done on it.

  • 悊悊恃



    I visited a store that I was interested in for the first time. In a good way, I thought it was nice that the garden trees and the paint on the shop weren't too clean. You can bring your pet to the terrace seats. The interior of the store had a nice atmosphere with antique furniture and miscellaneous goods. I shared the "sandwich of the day" with a friend and had a black sesame scone, a plain scone, and a blended coffee, and it was delicious. There was a corner selling antique miscellaneous goods, and it was fun just looking at all the wonderful things you'd want. A stuffed cat in a round basket? I thought it was a real black cat! She was sleeping peacefully and was super cute. I'm looking forward to the next time, as there seems to be a variety of delicious-looking menu items.

  • ćæćƒ¼



    neutral cafe I remembered that I had visited there before, so I went there for the first time in a while. Perrier drinks It's been a while since I drank it. I was worried about the passion fruit flavor, but I forgot which flavor it was, but it was delicious too. They add syrup so you can drink two doses. There are about 4 types of lunch menus and I ordered grapan. Gratin and poached eggs are placed inside the hollowed-out slice of bread, making it hearty. If you don't eat a well-balanced meal, you'll end up with just the bread left over, so if you eat it while adding gratin to the bread, you'll be able to enjoy it until the end. Dessert is fig cake I also like the simple feel Not everything is a set, so I think it would be nice to have a menu that you can order as a set. Grapan 900 yen Dessert 550 yen Perrier 680 yen Depending on the day of the week and time of day, it is easy for men and women to enter by themselves. It was a restaurant where you could relax depending on the seat. You can read magazines and books while your meal comes.

  • Mutsuko Ikeda

    Mutsuko Ikeda


    It's a comfortable and relaxing cafe. There is a step between the entrance and the interior, probably because it was a renovated house, but it doesn't bother me much. Nostalgic chairs and tables are spaced apart from each other. I visited for coffee the first day and with my mom the next day. I shared the vegetable-filled sandwich which was wrapped in two pieces. There were plenty of colorful vegetables sandwiched between two types of bread. The tea was kept warm in the pot with a teapot cover, so I was able to enjoy three cups warmly. The food and tea were stylish and my mother was happy.

  • ć‚ć¹ć‹ć‚ć‚‚ć”å­



    It was a cafe with a nice atmosphere, including the interior and staff! I sat in the back seat and chatted with my friend. I shared black sesame scones, today's cake (this day it was fig cake!), raspberry iced tea, and today's sandwich with a friend. Although the sandwich was large in size, it was very delicious and I was able to enjoy it šŸ’• The fig cake was also delicious and not too sweet, with the slightly sticky figs going well with the moist, creamy, butter-scented dough! The black sesame scone was also fragrant and had a fluffy texture that went well with the cream! Are there three types of cake that change daily? It seems pets are OK. (*Please check!) If you're lucky, you might be able to meet a cute black cat šŸ’•

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