ē¬ é–“ é›Ŗćæ悋恏 w Kasama

Japoniaē¬ é–“ é›Ŗćæ悋恏



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1162 Kamigō, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0201, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-3724-1162
strona internetowej: blog.livedoor.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.3093808, Longitude: 140.2565414

komentarze 5

  • momo peach

    momo peach


    I ordered a hojicha latte and Miyazaki mango. The hojicha one has three large white balls inside and is very satisfying. It would be even better if the self-drink was hot tea.

  • Perseus



    This restaurant requires reservations. This is a shaved ice shop in the summer and pancakes in the winter. Please try Nikko Natural Ice's shaved ice once. All of them are delicious, but the special melon shaved ice is no good. It's just plain melon syrup and it's not delicious. Others are proper fruit sauces.

  • 358 hana

    358 hana


    Old house shaved ice shop I made a reservation and visited for the first time after lunch on a weekday. Natural ice was extra chargeable, but it was fluffy and delicious. We also sell recommended seasonal vegetables and fruits at the entrance. I bought a new variety of Dolce Dream corn and Edosaki pumpkin. It was delicious.

  • nao



    I made a reservation during Golden Week and visited with 7 people. You will be called exactly at the scheduled time. Orders and payments are self-administered using the touch panel at the entrance. A numbered receipt will come out, and when each item is finished, you will be told the number and menu name for each item, so take the receipt with you and go pick it up. Although it was crowded, it didn't take as long as I expected to be served. The melon is 1/2 melon with shaved ice on top. There were two types, normal and special, but the syrup in both was ready-made melon syrup, and the melon at the bottom seemed to have a different rank. Other shaved ice has toppings and cream inside, making it more voluminous than it looks. You can buy vegetables and fruits at the store, which were also quite cheap and a good deal.

  • ishioka 3016

    ishioka 3016


    First visit. I registered as a friend on LINE in advance and made a reservation, so my husband and I went with a specified date and time. Based on word of mouth, I chose the special melon and the popular pistachio because of the good seasonal ingredients. They were both delicious. On the way home, I bought some Japanese yam, lettuce, pineapple, kiwi, and melon from the store.

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