Murakami Karindoh Hospital en Fukuoka

JapónMurakami Karindoh Hospital


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2-chōme-14-45 Togire, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka, 819-0032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-811-3331
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Latitude: 33.5541933, Longitude: 130.3157566

comentarios 5

  • 山野中



    Kind, courteous, and reassuring. If you ask me anything I don't understand, he will explain it to me, and I go to see him once every two months, and I'm very satisfied.

  • 芋ようかん



    My elderly mother suffered from drug-induced delirium, anxiety, and depression due to this hospital. For elderly people, large amounts of drugs such as strong sleeping pills that require careful judgment and heart disease drugs were prescribed based on a medical interview without any tests (my mother had no heart problems at all) were prescribed. There is no separate packaging for morning and evening drinks to prevent drinking mistakes. When I started going to the same hospital, I noticed that his expression was clearly dark and that he was exhibiting abnormal behavior, so I investigated and found out what was going on. That was the amount of medicine. I regret the decision I made just because it was nearby and easy to get to. When I went with my mother, the office worker asked my mother, ``How much medicine do you need today?'' even though the diagnosis had not yet been made. Isn't it up to the doctor to decide whether it's necessary or not? At the examination, the doctor tried to prescribe heart disease medicine without any tests, so when I asked the doctor, he said, ``Because your mother says that your heart hurts...'' (I didn't even ask that day). I was shocked and told her, ``I'm going to send my mother to another hospital.'' She said, ``Mom, you look worried. Are you okay? If you need anything else, please come by (lol).'' Thanks to your support, my mother is now smiling again after being hospitalized.

  • Gary Swepson

    Gary Swepson


    Absolutely the worst hospital I have ever been in! The staff are very kind, but the service I received was shocking. I went there with a slight fever, sore throat and a cough. I was escorted and told to wait on the seats outside. The weather was around 10 degrees, and a stong wind was blowing. 30 mins later, a nurse came out and gave me a covid/ influenza test. I then told the nurse I couldn't wait here and I will sit in my car. One hour later, a doctor saw me. I said, "How do you do an examination on me?" She just apologized and said the hospital is worry about foreigners bringing diseases in, and you are positive for influenza. I understand hospitals wanting to be careful, but telling patients to wait outside in the cold weather and not even performing any examination is substandard. And finally, only doing this if they are non-japanese is worst. I would not recommend this hospital to anyone who is not japanese.

  • ichiro takeuchi

    ichiro takeuchi


    A facility that can be relied upon as the core of local medical care. The building was built in the 1980s, so it feels a little small inside. Although the entrance has been renovated, the internal layout has not changed much. The store is also a traditional hospital store. It is helpful to have an ophthalmologist in the medical department. CT and MRI are also available, so most tests can be done locally. There is no need to worry as we are cooperating with affiliated hospitals such as Fukudai.

  • 松み



    While in the hospital, my father suffered from pneumonia, a stroke, and a brain herniation, and was transferred to another hospital. If I had had an MRI sooner, I would not have lost consciousness. Even when I was in the hospital, I felt angry at the nurses' lack of compassion, but I was very frustrated to see my father getting worse without proper tests and never getting back to normal. If he had been transferred to the first hospital, he would not have suffered a brain injury. I do not recommend this hospital. If you have already met a good teacher, I won't deny it. When I told the nurse that I wanted to talk to the doctor about my father's sudden change in condition and future treatment plans, what did I want to hear? I'll never forget the look on your face and your attitude when you asked me this question. I hope the comments on this review reach the person in question. I dare not write your name. I was worried about the dark expression on the nurse's face, but it was bingo. At the hospital you will be transferred to, the doctor will explain the situation to you while showing you the monitor. The nurse also explained the situation sincerely. I regret not being the hospital I transferred to from the beginning.

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