Haradoi Hospital en Fukuoka

JapónHaradoi Hospital



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6-chōme-40-8 Aoba, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 813-8588, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-691-3881
sitio web: www.haradoi-hospital.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6448951, Longitude: 130.4686008

comentarios 5

  • ひろゆき



    Some people have written pretty terrible things, but I was previously hospitalized twice for pneumonia. I didn't have that bad impression. The doctor's explanation was very thorough, and the nurses were very responsive and made me feel at ease in the hospital. If I had to say, the building looks like it was added to by an extension, so first-time visitors might get confused. That's what it feels like.

  • Sakai 369

    Sakai 369


    Anyway, I had to wait. It was a half-day off, so I had to work from noon...I couldn't stand it, so I changed hospitals. Acute care hospitals are busy...if you don't want to wait, change hospitals! There are some wild opinions out there, but the finance, logistics, retail, and distribution industries are all busy! Isn't it about government offices and hospitals? I take a good rest on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays! I don't know about Master Hinomaru, but that kind of sloppy attitude comes through in his words! !

  • ふゆごんごん



    There are no decent doctors. High-pressure attitude. Maybe he's not motivated, but he speaks in a mocking manner and treats the patient with a bossy attitude. Others have also written It hasn't improved at all. It would be great if it could cure the pain in my body My body is in pain and I haven't done any treatment or tests!

  • Taro



    The patient visited the hospital due to severe cough and phlegm. The doctor doesn't even look at me, laughs at me, and treats me coldly. picture? Why did you come here? , there's nothing we can do. What if I go to an otorhinolaryngologist (lol)? An attitude that makes people look like fools. If you ask me to introduce you to a big hospital, it's not a good idea to just go to a big hospital (laughing). His attitude was so bad that I wanted to grab him right then and there. I felt terrible even though I went to the hospital because my body was weak and I wanted something done. I even want to mention the teacher's name here. I don't want to go there again. 0 stars.

  • イチロウ



    I had it before about my blood pressure. First, I was given a medical history form, and I wrote that I had high blood pressure and had asked a friend to share it with me.After that, when my name was called and I entered the examination room, I was suddenly given a high-pressure attitude and threatened to be arrested by the police. I did. I was surprised and asked her to tell me who gave her the medicine and her contact information, but I told her that she might have just bought it online to protect her friend. When I was told that I was being arrested, I was told to take out my smartphone and check it, and was told to yell at me as if I was trying to vent my stress. One after another, he said, ``If something like that happens, we don't need a doctor,'' as if he was not concerned about us (the patient) but rather the doctor and hospital, and instead of examining the patient from the beginning, he cornered the patient. I know it's wrong for my friends to share this with me, but he was surprisingly arrogant, so I took off my hat and glared at him, and this time he turned his hand and said, ``Okay, okay, that's enough.'' I can't help but feel bad every time I think of a doctor like this, ``Oh, uh, my blood pressure was checked today, let's talk about that.'' When I got up and tried to leave, he made a gesture with his palm to shoo me away. Due to my own circumstances, I was struggling with money and life, and my heart had been feeling unwell lately, so I went to this hospital because I was worried that something might be wrong. Honestly I really don't recommend it. I don't think everyone who works at this hospital is at fault, and I think there are good nurses and doctors, but unfortunately something like this might happen, and to be honest, I'm worried and don't even want to remember it. It feels like it. I'm currently attending another hospital. We talked about the same thing there. When I told him that I had received it from a friend, he kindly laughed and told me that it was wrong and that I should be careful because it was about my body. I may have done the wrong thing, but I was relieved. I feel bad now, but I'm really glad I switched to another hospital. My rating for this hospital is practically zero. →This is about the reply from the owner. It said "from the perspective of protecting patients" The content was not like this, but rather, this answer was a response to a review, and the response at that time was an attitude that made fun of people. If it was a new establishment and the explanation was provided in a safe and thorough manner from the beginning, we would not give this kind of evaluation through word of mouth. I am also not feeling well and am receiving this message with the intention of taking care of you in the future. I'm not saying that everyone at that hospital is like that, but it's not a hospital that I can recommend anyway.

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