Fukuoka University Hospital en Fukuoka

JapónFukuoka University Hospital



🕗 horarios

7-chōme-45-1 Nanakuma, Jonan Ward, Fukuoka, 814-0180, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-801-1011
sitio web: www.hop.fukuoka-u.ac.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5476464, Longitude: 130.3597825

comentarios 5

  • ぽらまる



    General information receptionist, Otorhinolaryngology receptionist, Dr. Nishihira, the female doctor in charge, This was my first time at Fukudai Hospital, but everyone was so kind to me, and they helped me plan my schedule for my upcoming surgery. In the end, the surgery could only be performed at a major hospital for my illness, so until now I had been forced to continue with makeshift medical treatment in rural areas, but I took the plunge and asked Fukudai Hospital to send out an invitation. I went to Fukudai Hospital. There are many doctors, so there may be some hit or miss, but if a family member or acquaintance is having trouble with an otorhinolaryngologist, I would definitely recommend Dr. Nishihira at Fukudai Hospital.

  • 178 3

    178 3


    Even if you call out to the nurse's station, they ignore you. The hospitality is the worst. Even though I had come to accompany him to the hospital, I was made to wait in the common room and I would not be able to meet him again. Even though I had an operation the next day, it was impossible for me to refuse to meet him without talking to him about anything. Despite not being able to meet people due to the coronavirus, there is almost no hand alcohol available in the new main building. There's not even soap in the bathroom. It's too cruel.

  • brandon



    Best hospital visited in Japan (went to Orthopedic department). Well run, efficient, affordable, and foreigner friendly (ask for Nishimura san as an interpreter). Highly recommended!

  • Guntur Silitonga

    Guntur Silitonga



  • Xlyn lyn

    Xlyn lyn


    Best paediatric department in kyushu. My daughter had UTI and they were very thorough and helpful. They take care of their patients very well and I was amazed by their services. Thank you the doctors and nurses who were involved in treating my 2 month old daughter

El hospital más cercano

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