MUFG Bank Obu Branch en 大府市

JapónMUFG Bank Obu Branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒474-0025 愛知県大府市中央町3丁目59
contactos teléfono: +81 570-018-016
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0094668, Longitude: 136.9630105

comentarios 5

  • noro noro

    noro noro


    The store clerks are all women, and they are very polite and kind, as they are aimed at people who are not good at digital technology (such as older people). The cleanliness is 5 stars or higher.

  • ぽんちゃんの妻



    One of the four ATMs was given priority for making transfers, and the security guard was the worst and didn't care about the people waiting in line. I don't want to use it anymore💢

  • 清水裕子



    A very polite bank. However, it would be unnatural to have them stamp the bank seal themselves.

  • Satoshi Tanaka

    Satoshi Tanaka


    Since the Toyoake branch has closed, I had to go to the counter, so I went to the Obu branch, but the parking lot is a paid parking lot and it's difficult to find and it's crowded, so you have to wait! Parking is free for counter users. It's about 15 minutes one way from Toyoake, so I think it's closer than going to other branches!

  • sion77



    It's inconvenient because the parking lot is small. Sometimes cars enter the parking lot and cars leave the parking lot. There are times when we are both in trouble, even though we are matched. The counter staff and guides are also kind. There are also many ATMs.

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