MUFG Bank, Yagoto en Nagoya

JapónMUFG Bank, Yagoto



🕗 horarios

318 Yagototendō, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-018-016
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1361425, Longitude: 136.9632941

comentarios 5

  • Mohaned Elsamadony

    Mohaned Elsamadony


    The hospitality was not good at all!! I went there to open a bank account, and the stuff there told me that I cannot open a bank account because of my Japanese level !! This was really helpful 😂 What if I don’t know any Japanese!! Won’t I be able to open an account !! Ridiculous!

  • きう



    I went to exchange new banknotes for a wedding. As others have written, the receptionist is very kind. He carefully explained to me that I would be charged a fee because I did not have an account. The service was very good, so I asked them to exchange money. The response from the person who actually responded was also very good. I would like to take care of you again.

  • おち



    I asked about inheritance procedures. It was very helpful for me to be able to know the necessary documents in advance and make reservations at the counter. They had someone at the counter who was knowledgeable, so everything went smoothly.

  • Kaoru Trip

    Kaoru Trip


    The parking lot is large. It's located near Aeon Yagoto, so it's very convenient.

  • an pyn

    an pyn


    The guide was very kind and helpful when exchanging money.

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