MUFG Bank Tokushige branch en Nagoya

JapónMUFG Bank Tokushige branch



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-401 Mototokushige, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0852, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-018-016
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0956387, Longitude: 136.9984157

comentarios 5

  • shz y

    shz y


    Arrived at the store first when it opened. Since reservations are prioritized, we had to wait for 10 minutes in front of the counter where there was no one. "I understand that reservations are given priority, but how many minutes will you let me know if I'm late?" asked the question. What I was told was "My reservation has been cancelled, so I'll prepare the counter now." I wonder how many more minutes I would have kept her waiting if I hadn't asked her a question. This branch. Although they say reservations are given priority, the deadline for reservations is at least one day in advance. Not even from a customer perspective. We live in an era where you can make reservations online 24 hours a day, even at restaurants.

  • そらのすけ



    Basically, we will not be able to handle any matters other than transfers etc. unless you make an appointment to visit our store. Despite this, online reservations are fully booked for the week, and phone calls are not available. I think most people who deal with navigation dials lack knowledge and kindness. If I went through the same procedure at another financial institution, it would take some time, but it went smoothly by mail. Even if you can spend time soliciting cards, you won't be spending time on customers visiting your store. Another customer who came without a reservation was told that they could not be accommodated and left. According to my acquaintances, they serve their large customers very politely. Of course. I realized that Mitsubishi UFJ Bank only caters to the wealthy.

  • 長尾徹也



    It's a regular bank, but the instructions for signing up for a card are annoying. I don't want to say too much since it's probably work.

  • Akira KITO

    Akira KITO


    Counter support (←For some reason, it's a closed door.), Information support (←They're chatting all the time.) It wasn't crowded, but the wait time was long. I tried to open a new account with an escort, but I decided against it.

  • Kome Neko

    Kome Neko


    There was a high-low chair, and when I was holding my baby, she immediately asked if I could prepare one for her, which was very helpful. Also, if you have small children, they are very kind and will tell you, ``There's anpan bread over there,'' so it's easy to use even with children.

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