Moriguchi Keijinkai Hospital en Moriguchi

JapónMoriguchi Keijinkai Hospital


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2-chōme-47-12 Yagumo Higashimachi, Moriguchi, Osaka 570-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6906-9000
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Latitude: 34.7462239, Longitude: 135.579526

comentarios 5

  • としちゃんねる



    Thank you very much for your help in removing the colon polyp. The teacher was the best and the staff was the best. Just. A doctor who treated high blood pressure. I was preaching from a high level and bossy, but now it's below the standard value of 160, what's going on? Could you please just apologize? I'm sorry for giving you medicine and making you feel lightheaded. I didn't study enough, so I'm sorry for being so bossy. My idea was wrong. I'm sorry for introducing you to a strange hospital!

  • あのは



    It used to have a good reputation for its gastrointestinal tests, but the young staff clearly lacked experience and there was no mid-level support. I get the impression that the nurses are doing a much better job. At the very least, a doctor with some experience should make the final image judgment. The quality of the treatment provided varies greatly depending on the person in charge on the day.

  • 奏音



    The 4th floor is the floor where you are admitted after the surgical operation, and the nurses are working hard to plan for your discharge. The third floor is a ward for people who are not expected to be discharged. As a result, the quality of nurses is drastically declining. Wipe your butt or leave the lid seal open. There's a horrible nurse who doesn't use the disposable diapers and gauze that I entrusted to her. There are patients who cannot be visited because of the coronavirus, or who have no one to visit them even if it is not so. If nurses work thinking that everyone on this floor is going to die anyway, they probably won't be able to properly take care of patients. That's the kind of hospital it is. Everyone except the surgical nurses on the 4th floor is not properly trained. I'm sure there are other things. I want all hospital staff to read this. When I was called in because I had collapsed in critical condition, I heard someone loudly talking in the hallway about my family, saying that Mr. ◯◯ had collapsed. I don't know what it felt like to be a nurse who really wasn't being taught properly...I wanted to yell at her. Shut up Even when I was called in at the end of a critical condition, there was no chair by the bed, so I asked if I could borrow a chair, and was asked if you were still there... Huh? It became. Why did you call me? I was in critical condition due to accidental ingestion in the evening, but the call came in around 11pm, and the hospital didn't even think about transportation. Even when he passed away, I was told to bring any clothes I wanted him to wear while the attending doctor came, and when I went back to get them, I was told that the attending physician had come, but I had to go home because I wasn't feeling well. . It was a really bad hospital. I think it would be better for nurses to resign as their quality is really poor. Perhaps it was because I had the patient's consent, but out of the many surgeries I had, I only received pre-operative explanations for the first one, and there were a lot of post-operative reports...I never received any explanations from the head nurse before I was discharged from the hospital. You will also be given a pamphlet that explains the side effects of anti-cancer drugs, so please read it. That's all. I think it's better to stop because there is no cuddling treatment here. I don't want to go to this hospital.

  • あきらさだ



    I used to go to the emergency room here and was admitted to the hospital. Initially, I was misdiagnosed and hospitalized, and it took 10 days for the diagnosis to be made. During that time, my symptoms continued to worsen. There are many different kinds of nurses, some who want to have fun as much as possible, some who talk to you in a friendly manner, some who run around, and some who cheer you up. Of course, nurses are also human beings, so rather than thinking it's normal to ask them to do something for you, it's important to think about what you want them to do for you, what kind of illness you're currently receiving treatment for, and what's OK and what's OK. I think patients also need to know what is wrong. Nurses also draw the line, so it is unlikely that they will say no to something that the doctor has approved. There are some nurses who are troublesome though. It was a fairly common occurrence for me to get swollen or leak because the IV needle was inserted in the wrong place, or forget to hand over medication (I had to go to the nurse's station or call the nurse each time). I'm a little worried about elderly people and people with very serious conditions being hospitalized, but it wasn't a bad hospital. I was so impressed with how well they were doing with such a small number of people. I often heard patients complaining about the large room, but most of the time they are expected to do things at the level of a nursing home, so I don't even want to ask the nurses who are responsible for follow-up monitoring to do the same. That's my impression.

  • coral ocean

    coral ocean


    2022.9.1 Previously, I was able to make an endoscopy reservation via the internet or smartphone, and on the day of the test, I was able to quickly perform the test and explain the results, but now due to the coronavirus, the reservation method has changed. Please call the hospital directly to confirm. I felt that both the gastrocamera and colon examination were specialized medical treatments. There are many examination beds, and there are many patients undergoing the same examination. (´∀`) *Please do not drive yourself on the day of the test. In particular, if you are asked at the time of inspection confirmation and you say that you came by car, you will not be able to take the inspection ( ´Д`)y━・~~Be careful You can have an endoscopy and examination here, and if your family doctor is good, you can get the data and have your doctor examine you. Well, it's just medical treatment. Gates open from 8am. The parking lot is large and nice. 👍 Be careful as the entrance is narrow. Don't pass by😑💦

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