Saiseikai Senri Hospital en Suita

JapónSaiseikai Senri Hospital


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1-chōme-1-6 Tsukumodai, Suita, Osaka 565-0862, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6871-0121
sitio web:
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Latitude: 34.7948407, Longitude: 135.5096516

comentarios 5

  • 毬藻



    My elderly father developed a cough and fever and visited an emergency outpatient department for fever. In the end, he tested positive for the coronavirus, but the young doctor wearing protective gear, probably not wanting to infect him, did not use a stethoscope and only prescribed fever-reducing medication and sent my father home, saying, ``It doesn't seem like it would be that hard.'' I'll never forget the doctor who didn't properly examine my elderly father, who also has high blood pressure, in the event that he became seriously ill in the future. If you are a doctor who is reading this (and you probably won't), please take appropriate action. The patient's family watches the doctor more than the patient himself.

  • タンタンです



    Thank you for taking care of me for a week due to a gynecological illness. The doctors, nurses, and associate nurses were polite and kind, and I was able to spend my time in the hospital with peace of mind. When I first met my doctor, Dr. B, in the outpatient clinic, I honestly didn't have a good impression of him as being unfriendly, but his treatment during my stay in the hospital was very professional and kind, which changed my impression. I am glad that this doctor operated on me and that I was able to be hospitalized at this hospital.

  • H N

    H N


    I have experienced emergency, inpatient, and outpatient care, and for the most part I have been satisfied with the treatment. The only thing I regret is that right after my family member passed away, I was rushed to "contact the funeral home as soon as possible and open up a hospital room" (I understand the hospital's circumstances), but I feel like they could have said it differently or at a different timing. is. There is a convenience store within the hospital, and a 100-yen store, drug store, supermarket, bookstore, etc. in the commercial facility across the street, making it very convenient when you are hospitalized.

  • Karina Schell

    Karina Schell


    I got sent away by the hospital staff with a fever of 40°C. I was very worried about my health condition.

  • Dolgormaa Bataa

    Dolgormaa Bataa


    Just gave birth to my very first baby in this hospital. Even I dont know any japanese, they managed to take care of me and my baby so well. Doctors and midwifes are kind and very understanding. Fully satisfied with my birth experience.

El hospital más cercano

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