Miyamoto Shoten en Shizuoka

JapónMiyamoto Shoten



🕗 horarios

149-50 Shimazakichō, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0823, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-352-3862
sitio web: www.kasinoichi.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0195858, Longitude: 138.4904259

comentarios 5

  • SP



    Miyamoto Shoten is a specialty shashimi and tempura restaurant. Came here back in July. We ordered the meguro (tuna) set which came with three different cuts of tuna. It was fresh as expected and delight to the tastebuds. The three cuts had different textures to them. Another order was the tabburi kaisendon which literally meant lots of seafood. The sashimi cuts were delicious. As we were a party of four, we over indulged and got the extra large conger eel tendon, mixed tendon, sides of sakura shrimp kakiage, fried horse mackerel and tempura conger eel. Tempura batter was fluffy and food were tasty too. Highly recommended if you are in the area. We were their first customers on a weekday at 8am so it was quiet.

  • Andrew Saito

    Andrew Saito


    one of the tastiest experiences I could taste. Salmon and tuna, tasty. the service is spectacle

  • seraxy



    Delicious seafood bowl, totally recommend to stop by and try it out!

  • Olivier Js

    Olivier Js


    Next to the fish market, this small restaurant serves generous tuna sashimi bowls as well as tempura, sea urchin, and other seafood dishes. The tuna couldn’t be fresher and the chuutoro (medium fatty) is absolutely delicious.

  • Captain Foodie

    Captain Foodie


    Delicious kaisen don (seafood donburi). Same for the tempura it was really good. I recommend the place if you are in the area. Everything was delicious and fresh. Price range 1000 - 2500yen

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