Menya Clear Main Branch en Shizuoka

JapónMenya Clear Main Branch



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-4-8 Kuniyoshida, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-395-7200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9938309, Longitude: 138.4328224

comentarios 5

  • Jason




  • Peter H

    Peter H


    Best tori paitan I've had! Just regret not going for the thickest version they had, went with the best seller. Was here during lunch and got seated directly. Really friendly staff and just overhearing them in kitchen it sounded as they had fun :) Highly recommend this place!

  • Catur Putra Satgada

    Catur Putra Satgada


    The ramen shop was comfortable and the staff was very helpful to the foreigners who don't speak Japanese. Also, the ramen itself was delicious, and ill definitely come here again.

  • Bruce Cunningham

    Bruce Cunningham


    The ramen was delicious and the serving size was generous. We ordered some side dishes - which were very good - but just the ramen alone was plenty. The dining area is bright, modern and clean, and the tables had dividers do they can be adjusted to accommodate different sized groups. We'll go back.

  • N.Macchan



    Best chicken soup ramen restaurant in Shizuoka city. There are basically 4 types in the soup line-ups from light to heavy, which are well prepared to make those soups. So tasty, all of them. There are several types of noodle for each soup. These really match for each soup. Taste is almost perfect as others make comments, but the most impressive point is its service. Very friendly and kind for the families who have small kids and babys.

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