蘭蘭 en Shizuoka




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Japan, 〒424-0853 Shizuoka, Shimizu Ward, Tsukimichō, 2−5 富士見ハイツ
contactos teléfono: +81 54-353-5920
sitio web: ranran.hp.gogo.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0037847, Longitude: 138.4815863

comentarios 5

  • Motonori Watanabe

    Motonori Watanabe


    Fried rice with a darker color than regular fried rice. It might be the best in Shizuoka city. The levanilla, on the other hand, was pale in color and did not have the flavor I expected. Since I visited after 3pm, there weren't many customers, and the staff were eating fried noodles at the counter. Next time, I'll try yakisoba too. However, the inside of the store was filled with the smell of degraded oil, which was a bit unpleasant.

  • メダルゲーマー金さん



    The fried rice is perfectly fried and very delicious. The ramen also has a simple soy sauce flavor and thin noodles that are easy to eat. Does fried chicken taste like curry? It tasted a bit sluggish, but the rice went well. And the most popular gyoza at Ranran. It was filled with a lot of bean paste and was very filling and delicious. I can understand why so many people took their food home. There are a lot of customers and the staff are very lively.

  • jiro_08



    This is a Chinese restaurant in town where everything you eat is delicious. My recommendations are fried rice and gyoza! Fried rice has a lot of fluffy rice and a lot of toppings, so you will feel satisfied after eating it. And most of the customers order gyoza. The best part is that you can order one piece at a time, so you can order as many as you like depending on your appetite! You really ought to go and see!

  • 小早川隆



    Today's lunch: I went to Ranran, a town Chinese restaurant in Shimizu Ward, to try the famous gyoza. I ordered the green onion ramen + C set for weekday lunch.The gyoza filling was certainly light and delicious. The price was also reasonable.

  • 長田宏之



    A traditional, traditional Chinese restaurant. Wonton noodles served with my favorite thin noodles were unusually similar to salt ramen. Because of the light filling of gyoza, you can eat as many as you want. My partner had a set of soy sauce ramen and fried rice. I got the soup, and it was light and the best of the best. Of course, the fried rice is also delicious. I like this kind of menu more than Kottekote's pork bones.

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