Mitsuisumitomoginko Center Minami Shiten w Yokohama

JaponiaMitsuisumitomoginko Center Minami Shiten



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Japan, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa, Yokohama, Tsuzuki Ward, Chigasakichūō, 1−2 センター南駅光ビル 4階
kontakt telefon: +81 570-043-195
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.5454315, Longitude: 139.5750305

komentarze 5

  • ren chan

    ren chan


    Anyway, you'll have to wait a long time. Even when your number is called, they start attending to other customers in the middle of the conversation, making you wait even longer. It's normal to wait 90 to 120 minutes, but it feels like it takes 3 hours to complete the procedure. Furthermore, I think you should be prepared to visit the store because you may be told that the counter is different even if the content is the same. Online reservations cannot be made until after one week. We recommend that you make a reservation early. By the way, when I went to another bank with the same details, it only took 15 minutes.

  • まめすけ。



    It looks like you can make reservations, so if you're visiting, I think it's better to make a reservation over the phone so it ends faster! Even on a weekday morning, I was told that if I didn't make a reservation, I would have to wait for an hour (sweat), so those who had made a reservation were shown in much earlier! I went there by car, but the underground parking lot is not linked, so I couldn't get a parking ticket. If it's nearby, maybe it's better to take the train? I was happy that both the receptionist and the person in charge were polite. There are various inconveniences, but if you make a reservation, it might not be a problem!

  • ai kawa

    ai kawa


    Most of my money is online banking, but I decided to use this bank where I had an account a long time ago. I didn't know about the reservation system, so when I checked in, I had to wait an hour. Moreover, it is no good to go anywhere. I was told to wait inside the bank. It's painful to just wait for an hour without being able to do anything. Even though I'm busy. I hope it improves. I think online banking is the best option after all.

  • 代表佐々木



    Personally, the bank I trust the most🏦 The problem is that it is difficult to understand and go since the location has been moved...😅 ⚠️Located on the 4th floor, accessible only by escalator from the 3rd floor. ⚠️ATM is located on the 3rd floor. Bank (Center Minami branch is above it) ⚠️There is no parking lot. (Please note that the underground parking lot of the building is not affiliated with the building) I think that in the future, the number of people will be reduced rapidly and banks will no longer be in prominent places. The inside of the bank is smart and clean! If you have something to do, be sure to discuss your business with the guide before checking in. ●●●●This is my personal opinion m(_ _)m●●●● ☆Good points☆ ●It is modern and profitable in a sense😊 -No matter when you come, there are only 2 or 3 visitors, so it's empty. ●All the female bank employees are beautiful 👩🙆 ●This branch is amazing when thinking about crime prevention◎ ⚠️There is no ATM in the Center Minami branch. ★Bad points★ To say it badly, I always get lost when I come for the first time🌀😅 Also, would you like a free parking lot...🚗

  • Ksenia



    They speak English!!))) great crevice !!! Window 3 new office , the office lady is super!

najbliższy Bank

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