Misora ​​and Cafe en Minamiaso

JapónMisora ​​and Cafe


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3978-1 Kain, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1141, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 967-67-2066
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8333321, Longitude: 131.006133

comentarios 5

  • 武藤



    There were several types of shaved ice and I had a hard time deciding which one to eat! It's a one-order system per person, so it seems like it's okay to just have a drink! We had the "Caldera Ice" with matcha parfait and the shaved ice called "Bankan Yogurt"! The shaved ice was so fluffy and delicious! I was also curious about other shaved ice! Thank you for the meal! !

  • 増田加奈



    I had a chestnut parfait and a misora ​​parfait at the counter😋 Both were moderately sweet and I finished them deliciously without getting bored until the end. The atmosphere is also ◎

  • Snow Beauty

    Snow Beauty


    I'm surprised that there are so many stylish shops in Minamiaso. Misora ​​Cafe is also a stylish cafe. The interior of the store somehow makes you forget about time. The fireplace warms your feet, making you truly forget about time. The sweets are just the right amount of sweetness 🍵

  • noa.



    Our customers come all the time...and they can spend a very relaxing time. It's typical of a Japanese cafe, and the accessories are simple and nice, and the taste is amazing♪ It's run by a very nice couple. The shop is a little further back from the street, and the corner may be a little difficult to find, but it's definitely a cafe you should visit.

  • のわあーさん



    2017.6.10 Arrive before 3pm The place was packed with customers. I was glad that the terrace seats were just empty, but people coming after me had to wait for an hour💦 Bankan yogurt shaved ice ¥750 Bangkan is sweet and sour! ←Sour is stronger The fluffy shaved ice is delicious. Lemon milk shaved ice ¥750 I got this from a friend. It is topped with sliced ​​lemon and has a refreshing scent. I personally prefer this one as it has a refreshing taste 🍧 The garden was kept beautiful and one tree seemed to be the main attraction. Many herbs such as mint are also planted.

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