Hoshino Coffee en Kikuyo

JapónHoshino Coffee



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒869-1108 Kumamoto, Kikuchi District, Kikuyo, Hikarinomori, 2-chōme−4−1
contactos teléfono: +81 96-342-6860
sitio web: www.hoshinocoffee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.8569741, Longitude: 130.7795524

comentarios 5

  • ペパーミント



    There is an extensive lunch menu. The souffledria eggs were fluffy and delicious. The omelet rice beef stew was also great. You can have a relaxing time here.

  • 白撥中



    For breakfast, I had an iced cafe au lait set with ham and cheese toast 🍴🙏 Since the store opened on Monday, the store was reserved for private use😅 The morning set has 6 levels depending on the price, and at Hoshino Coffee, you choose the morning you want and then choose the drink, but there are many choices, and I personally like it better than Ko◯da Coffee. Right 👌 Unfortunately, it used to be that you could smoke in a coffee shop, but these days, they have no choice but to prevent second-hand smoke, but I feel lonely for smokers.

  • mika



    The hand drip coffee is very delicious. The food was also delicious. The inside of the restaurant has a calm and quiet atmosphere, but there are also private rooms so you can bring your children with you. However, even if you use a private room, it doesn't feel like a noisy atmosphere.

  • てげてげおかん



    You can spend a very elegant time in the calm atmosphere. The music is quiet, so you can't see the person on the other end, but you can still hear them talking, which is a plus. I had breakfast, but I had the salad and pancakes replaced with toast. Personally, the size of the bread is 1/3? That's what I thought, but the thickness is like that of 4 slices.

  • Heihachiro Kawabe

    Heihachiro Kawabe


    Nice place to enjoy a cup of coffee. Cake set was 720 yen.

Cafetería más cercano

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