Ministop i Fukuoka




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4-chōme-11-1 Kashiihama, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 813-0016, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-672-2233
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.657896, Longitude: 130.4362555

kommentar 5

  • ああああ



    The customer service of the lady was amazing.

  • 智子



    No one notices when I check in at the cash register to order something that cannot be handled by self-checkout. As she was about to call out to the store clerk and head to the register, a man who was buying cigarettes interrupted her, but the clerk didn't say anything. Moreover, the products I wanted were sold out. Even though I went all the way there, it only took a few minutes.

  • しょこのり



    When I was looking for a Ministop to try the popular Taiwanese sweet potato soft serve, I unexpectedly stopped by the store and learned that the customer service and quality of the product was different, so I chose this one based on the distance from my home and the good reviews. Satisfied with both the customer service and the finished product. If there's a product you're interested in, let's go.

  • らんたちゃんねる



    The manager is a really nice person. At other Ministop stores, people tend to be stingy with the quantity when buying parfait, but this store has more than other stores, which shows the humanity of the store manager.

  • a i

    a i


    The tapioca drinks here are authentic and delicious. Compared to other convenience stores, the food is made on the spot, so it takes a little more time, and it's a little more expensive, but the food is so delicious that it makes up for it. I tried the tapioca pudding that was newly released this year and it was delicious, but I thought the old milk tea flavor was even better. Also, the desserts are abundant and delicious, so I can't help but buy them. French fries are sold next to the cash register, and they're delicious, so I can't help but buy them again.

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