FamilyMart Fukuoka Nishinagazumi 1-chome i Fukuoka

JapanFamilyMart Fukuoka Nishinagazumi 1-chome



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1-chōme-1-52 Nishinagazumi, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, 811-1361, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-554-5963
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.553022, Longitude: 130.392315

kommentar 5

  • もんもん



    The male foreign clerk in the morning is very pleasant and easy to work with! Welcome and greetings are also very pleasant. I would like you to go and check it out. As others have written, other than the foreign staff, there are some people who have poor customer service💦

  • 漫遊(ゆう)



    The store staff are very accommodating.

  • 紅葉ポテト



    The attitude of the staff was the worst. I felt uncomfortable.

  • 松尾拓真(タクマックス)



    I'm glad the customer service was good and there were discounted items. Even though I only used free coupons for shopping, they handled everything without making a negative face.

  • 柳生十兵衛



    Whether you're inside the store or drinking coffee outside, you're always being watched by staff. There's a 7 nearby, so I recommend that.

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