7-Eleven i Kitakyushu




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2-chōme-1-33 Shinozaki, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-0861, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-591-4320
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8640705, Longitude: 130.8667001

kommentar 5

  • サクサクサクサク



    It's better not to buy Pokemon cards here. We only sell cards that have been searched.

  • 山本山



    In most convenience stores, the staff are not that bad and can serve customers normally, but here it is unusual that the customer service is such that it makes customers uncomfortable.

  • ryomax



    Convenience store we stopped at during our trip 🏪 The toilet 🚹️ was clean The staff were also normal.

  • はらひれはらほれ



    I was having dental treatment and my tooth hurt, so I bought an iced coffee and asked for a straw. We don't even have one, so we only have one. What happens when you buy packaged juice? That's what I think It's strange that they don't give it to me even though they have it. It is also out of the question that there is none at all. I'll never go there again.

  • 酒吞童子WALKER



    Although it is not directly related to the store, A small child was always in front of the cash register and was quite a nuisance. I can't get enough of the futebushi when I pay the bill. I wonder what my parents were doing. The interior atmosphere was normal, but The store was well kept and clean.

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