7-Eleven Kanda Kitakyushu Airport Entrance i Kanda

Japan7-Eleven Kanda Kitakyushu Airport Entrance



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3787-11 Kanda, Miyako District, Fukuoka 800-0365, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-436-3020
internet side: www.e-map.ne.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.80381, Longitude: 130.9743394

kommentar 5

  • 中村守



    When I was looking for something, an employee asked me, ``Are you looking for something?'' He told me the product I was looking for. ^ ^

  • もとり



    When I buy an iced cafe latte, it's iced coffee without milk, and it's only half the amount. I asked the store clerk, ``Is this what it is? When I told him, ``Is that so?'', the clerk made it again. Also, I was able to do something similar. I poured it into my small cup. . ⁇This is fine, right? That attitude. . Was it right to ask for a refund? A ridiculous 7-Eleven after a long time

  • ancco black

    ancco black


    This is the last convenience store before going to Kitakyushu Airport. There are convenience stores within the airport, but I think regular stores are better in terms of the selection of products. However, it may be troublesome to get in and out since it is on the opposite lane from the airport side.

  • て


    I bought a fried chicken stick, but it wasn't included. I am writing this because it is too troublesome to go and pick it up. Even if it is 100 yen or 200 yen, you are exchanging it for a product, so you should do it properly. This is why BBA in the countryside.

  • メール



    The store manager has bonded with a regular customer and has been distributing highly rare products to that customer for years. He's the worst kind of person, and he only acts like he's making fun of people. Please be careful.

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