Mercure Miyagi Zao Resort & Spa en 蔵王町

JapónMercure Miyagi Zao Resort & Spa


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Zaomachi 1-1, 鬼石原 遠刈田温泉 蔵王町 刈田郡 宮城県 989-0916, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6830-3926
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Latitude: 38.1316514, Longitude: 140.5612992

comentarios 5

  • Human being

    Human being


    We had a very pleasant experience here with the staff that was lovely, especially the woman taking care of the onsen during night time, very kind and helpful. There was a group of students staying, they passed on the information properly so that we could use the onsen at a more convenient time. That was really professional. The lounge was good with different options, and we enjoyed going to the game station area as well. However, it doesn't deserve 5 stars to us as we had to make the beds ourselves. That's disappointing when you're paying good money for a 4 star-hotel.

  • IS Ibrahim

    IS Ibrahim


    Paid a good deal for a Tatami room through a hotel booking app. The room is spacious and clean. Nice view facing the greenery and mountain. However you need to deploy yourself the futon beds unlike other hotels we stayed at. Onsen is clean, available in both outdoor and indoor. The nearest convenience shop and restaurant is about 10mins drive.

  • Marianne Ong

    Marianne Ong


    Room is big but bathroom is quite small. Buffet spread is good.

  • Masae Shiwa

    Masae Shiwa


    I was there for a business trip. The receptionist kept calling me for breakfast even though I made it clear that we didn't want breakfast. They insisted calling me two days in row early in the morning and it was one of the most annoying experience. They are completely confused with a definition of being "professional" and they just push you for what they want us to do as a customer. The room was spacious but extremely outdated and furnitures were dirty. Very disappointed.

  • guy hardonag

    guy hardonag


    Discusting!!!! A big room ( only positive thing), we had huge stains on all of the furniture, The room was probably a smoking room before so the carpet was full of cigarette holes. And their was hair in the bath. We slept with clothes on. Wouldn't recommend even if it was for free!

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